It'd be WAY easier to beat a King Cobra than a chimpanzee. Hell, it'd be easier to beat a lion than a chimpanzee. Those things are unstoppable murder machines.
My life has woefully ill-prepared me for fisticuffs with an elephant, but I *do* know that, were I to use the side of the elephant as one of the walls of my sukkah, it would be kosher.
I really wonder how much ambiguity is introduced by "poorly defined framing of the fight" like "the number of animals I can beat up with my hands" is vastly smaller than "the number of animals I can beat up with a baseball bat or a solid stick sharpened on one end."
Obviously the confidence further down is insane (love to see someone sketch out their plan to take down an elephant) but close to 1/3 don’t think they could take a rat or house cat in a fight to the death? Also ridiculous
Interpretations of "beat in a fight" could differ... like, I bet many a rat might successfully evade me and escape before I could ever do it any damage.
Def a valid interpretation. If the question is "Me and a rat are locked in a room, who comes out the best?" it's 100% the person. If the question is "I want to hurt a rat, do I succeed?", that's more ambiguous - the rat def won't win, but maybe neither does the human. People hear different things.
Have you ever seen a Sam L. Jackson level of righteously pissed off cat?? If, big if, you can get your hands on it maybe. Cats can evade snake strikes without trying.
Are you fighting the cat or trying to catch it? In a fight the path to victory is opening a major vein or artery or blunt force trauma. Kind of like the human thinking he can take an elephant how is an eleven pound (large) house cat going to accomplish this?
It leads at your face, you catch it just before it hits it. It rabbit kicks the shit out of your throat ripping open you jugular, carotids, and messes up your larynx. Or it does get to your face and destroys your eyes. Cats have chased off black bears. Cat wins.
We’re sleeping on the Brit’s knowing something about geese that we don’t. That spread is important, and his similarity to a goose run amok is clearly why Boris Johnson was able to push through Brexit.
I mean, antivenom post fight isn't a weapon. I figure grab and like baseball bat swing it against a wall.... do it like 3 times. Then BAM it's hospital time.
my dad was a reptile keeper at the Bronx Zoo when I was little. The job involved routinely beating King Cobras in a fight when it was time to clean their enclosures. (Keepers had intravenous ports they'd pre-set & keep IV drips of antivenin if that "fight" was lost, as time was of the essence)
ha! It was his dream job! It was literally impossible to get life insurance, though. The 70s were a lot more cowboy in herpetology; my dad's boss & mentor discovered the method to accurately sex crocodilians. Before that, it was 50/50 chance on breeding attempts, & lots more fights.
Easy, unless this breaks the unarmed rules, find big rock, crush snake. Or make a sound like a snake charmer's horn and use the gentle back and forth sway until it calms down and you grab it behind the head and stomp on it. Neither method suggested if under influence of alcohol.
3rd method, that I actually saw done, not with a King Cobra but a 5 1/2 foot cottonmouth, grab the tail and snap it like a whip with the head hitting a tree. It was real dead.
I used to routinely dominate forty ounces of it, good sir. Been a while, but with some focused training, I'd get it back. The snake, however, would eat me.
my Akita is 135 pounds and I know I'm only alive every day bc he wants me to be alive
I wouldn’t want to try to catch on, either…
But there are a ton of much better songs from movies that easily beat that King Kobra track.
That’s cheating.
You vs King Cobra… no outside help!
how fast is a cobra in a dead sprint
You vs King Cobra, pay-per-view from Vegas…