Well apparently, it's held on Tuesday because when the State of the Union will be held for 2025. Details matter! We have got to do better in communicating if we ever want to win the war against the MAGAts and their felon leader grifter trump.
The 4th was chosen for a reason. Dose it matter if it's a weekday? This isn't a game of D&D where everyone's schedule needs to line up Him taking full control means your jobs, your homes, your everything is going down the shitter. Take a paid day stand for your rights. Take a unpaid day. Priority 1
On the weekend the turn out will be much higher. I’m not just speaking for myself I’m speaking for those who CAN’T really take tile of during the week, family obligations etc
The volume can't be loud enough w/o a lot of voices. But since it's on a historic type of day, a Tuesday date makes more sense in that context. Like I said, best wishes. But we've got to do better in communicating. The fact that this is a protest held to coincide w/the State of the Union matters!
What? Don't even try to pick a fight with me. You won't win. Lame is not putting the importance of the goddamn TUESDAY date (the State of the Union) leaving many people to think the organizers are stupid af for scheduling anything of importance on a random fucking tuesday. Now go fix your flyers!
Keep supporting outdated messaging.. it’s been very successful over the last decade