You’re the new Secretary of State / Minister for Education in your respective nation.
What are your top three priorities & why?
We’ll assume additional funding is a given.
But where would you spend it first?
What are your top three priorities & why?
We’ll assume additional funding is a given.
But where would you spend it first?
2.Quality of teaching as it improves life chances of Learners.
3. Stopping relentless legislation and guidance as the education workforce does not need this unnecessary pressure.
Think conditions for leaders would be equally important. Can’t create the conditions for staff wellbeing & improvement if we’re sacrificing our own as leaders.
Number 3 is massively important. When new legislation / guidance is essential, needs to be clear what it replaces.
Enough resources.
Funded ad hoc leave for educators. No questions asked.
Interested in funded leave suggestion. Management of it would be challenging, especially for smaller schools.
Paid leave aims at increasing agency and decreasing guilt.
I really like the concept of the leave suggestion. Knock on with recruitment / retention would be +ve!
2. Collaborate - create systems so that schools can work together to improve replacing top-down bureaucracy
3. Trust - trust the process, system & leaders #Edusky
Recruitment - invest in increasing the workforce, look at how private companies attract the top grads for ideas. Advertise, engage more.
PFI - pay off thos contracts.
Retention & recruitment needs a complete re-think IMO. No point investing in the latter if you’re not addressing the drain of existing talent.
PFI contracts a real issue but eye-wateringly expensive to sort out I believe.
A broader curriculum to include outdoor education.
More time and resources for staff CPD
The external services required to meet MH needs needs huge investment - capacity simply isn’t there. At the same time, govt would need to address the underlying drivers e.g. poverty.
Curriculum review is essential IMO. Needs to be stripped back as already overloaded.