Dear Congress,
In case you're still foolishly believing Trump will suddenly come back to his senses, "learn his lesson" as one of yours keep calling it, and act as a leader as he should, here's a stark reminder.
Donald Trump didn't run to serve the country. He ran to escape his punishment.
In case you're still foolishly believing Trump will suddenly come back to his senses, "learn his lesson" as one of yours keep calling it, and act as a leader as he should, here's a stark reminder.
Donald Trump didn't run to serve the country. He ran to escape his punishment.
He ran to wreck havoc on this very Land of Free and put us all in misery.
What you should do is to respect the will of your suffering people and resist! Call him out, confront him, IMPEACH HIM!
Do the job you've been elected to do and get rid of that Orange stain!
So if you value your seat and your privileges, DO YOUR JOB or Trump won't be the only one to go down in flames!
Signed a fed up American Girl!