if there's one feeling i've spent the last year or two or three of my life trying to feel less often, it's the sort of... kind of suspicion that makes the barriers go up in the mind. the wall in the head that appears when someone seems like they might be the Other. i hate it
the fact you *don't* get the “yuri thing” (let's call it that for convenience) is very much unsurprising to me, it's what i expected based on our past interactions (from this follows: a past version of me might have been suspicious of you?)
when you see someone make a point you think you agree with
and then you check their profile, and they seem to be of a Different (e.g.) political persuasion
are they... threatening?
by threatening i mean. a kind of discomfort with engaging with what they've written. an unwillingness to interact
i mean something i don't have a straightforward word for: *psychologically* threatening. a kind of terror that i must not allow their words to reach me.
this also isn't just or even primarily about politics
see also why there are dozens of fringe leftist parties who agree on 99% of everything but are afraid that 1% means the Other is untrustworthy