It was around this time last year that I was given this chance to talk about the thing that means the most to be on what is a huge national platform (thank you RTE and thank you Tommy Tiernan and team)
It was around this time last year that I was given this chance to talk about the thing that means the most to be on what is a huge national platform (thank you RTE and thank you Tommy Tiernan and team)
It’s so incredible to hear people talk with such authority on nature.
What I spoke about was so niche and I’m not so sure people would have listened had they knew what was coming.  
This opened up a whole world of opportunities to me for which I’ll forever be grateful.
Most importantly of all it allowed me to show people just how gorgeous and never endlessly educational and inspiring nature can be.
Nature right now really needs us. It’s not just some lovely thing we need to admire now and then. We need to reconnect with it.
We need to protect it. Because we have erased so much of it and largely, we are failing it. 
But it doesn’t need to be that way, and the first step to turning a corner is to open up our eyes and ears. By letting it in and getting to know it.
The next part will happen naturally - falling in love with and wanting more.  
Thanks for the wonderful world of hope you gave me in 2024 everyone. I now know that I'm not on this journey alone. This burning desire to see a more nature-filled Ireland and world.
I’m looking forward to continuing this journey in 2025! Lots to come. And I'll see you all around as I go.
The sounds of some birds is magic to me....so keep on with your work.
You are not alone.💚