Forgive me my lord but, I believe you are making a mistake in the beginning of the video. You say that Strobel doesn't know what an atheist is, but isn't that an appeal to definition fallacy? There is no right or wrong definition for a word, language is a human construct and words can mean whatever-
we want them to mean. What is actually important is that we know what people mean by the words they use and that we don't impose our definitions onto others, like creationists imposing their colloquial definition of "Theory".So I believe you end up using the same fallacy as Strobel in your rebuttal.
I can't agree. Language doesn't work when we each have our own personal individual definitions, because it's about communication. Words change when the culture at large uses the words differently. Sometimes imposing works, sometimes not. What catches on isn't really up to us.
While it is true that it isn't efficient for each people to have their own definitions on every word and it can lead to confusion, that doesn't mean that there can't be multiple definitions used by many people for certain words, like atheist. Many people say atheism is a lack of belief in a god,
but many others describe atheism as a belief that there are no gods. Also my point was that there is no right or wrong definition because language is a subjective construct but that doesn't mean I think making up your own definitions for every word is something we should do if we want to keep
language meaningful. Also is it really that big of a deal for some to have their own definitions for certain words though? I mean if they make it clear what they mean to the person they're having a discussion with, it's not gonna lead to confusion.
also Lee Strobel is the fucking worst.
Fuck man nobody in your presence should ever fall ill nor remain ill. Weird how that doesn’t happen, just really weird shit.