I just finished it myself and I was so happy with it. And I can't believe the number of actors they got to come back for the show. Basically anyone that ever even touched Karate Kid!
It was so perfectly cheesey! Shameless in its execution of a throwback show in the spirit of an 80s coming of age film, powered by community and power ballads.
I loved it so much, and I'm so glad Zabka got a chance to shine, and gosh did he sparkle!!
I keep forgetting to watch Cobra Kai's final season, but hearing that it ended on a good note makes me happy. Not bad for a show that started on the defunct YouTube Red.
I really hope the new movie doesn't fall for the legacy sequel trap that Cobra Kai worked overtime to avoid, but we'll see...
What little I saw from previews made it look kinda regressive / anti-woke. Is it actually cool? Dumb question I guess, since you’re endorsing it! I guess I’ll check it out!
Yeah it’s solid! It’s not like, super political or anything - but it’s got a diverse cast and about reframe the villian of the first movie as someone suffering class disparities, and is also about how to handle trauma and mental abuse.
Funny story - as an 80s kid, I watched Back to the Future and Revenge of the Nerds, Karate Kid and so many others where the nerd KO’s the bully via the magical power of being the good guy. So I picked a fight with my bully, and he very nearly killed me. My face is still messed up. Nothing changed.
Oh yeah definitely. Especially seeing redemption or growth and depth and subversion of those characters, which are kinda archetypes at this point. Seems like fun!
Glad many love this show..but after watching first two eps of S1..was like nah .don't care much on how their life turned out as the OG movies hold special place in my heart.. didn't have room for more..I'll try again someday 🤞
It’s always incredible when a story feels carefully planned the whole way through even when you know it couldn’t possibly have been. The only other show that comes to mind close to how well this one does it is Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood.
I loved watching this series. Loved all the redemptions from some of the characters. Sad to see it end but I also hope the new movie lives up to it. #CobraKaiNeverDies
I loved it so much, and I'm so glad Zabka got a chance to shine, and gosh did he sparkle!!
I really hope the new movie doesn't fall for the legacy sequel trap that Cobra Kai worked overtime to avoid, but we'll see...