It’s almost like actually humanizing trans people—letting us be in the room—creates real change and deescalates the culture war instead of treating as pawns to elicits support over, problems for being “too controversial”, or villains for being vocal about our issues to people who aren’t listening.
Reposted from
Rep Zephyr’s speech flips 13 GOPs, trans bills die in Montana
Trans people have been scapegoated so effectively (among older people) that we're flooded with models of how to hate.
But when people hear the love behind why we stand up for each other, we win.
Trans people have been scapegoated so effectively (among older people) that we're flooded with models of how to hate.
But when people hear the love behind why we stand up for each other, we win.
I need more of this to be happening
It's honestly sad how humans have learnt nothing from history and hate is so much easier than actually seeking facts.
**meaning his name on payroll etc would be his dead name but the system would list a preferred name buried somewhere. This "solution" was deemed perfectly acceptable by HR.
My apologies. I did the very thing I hate when people do with me... misspell someone's name when it's written out on their page.
1) I'd been programmed
2) This was only possible through proactive isolation and enforcement, that is - violence.
They lack object permeance for human suffering. That's not to call them stupid, they aren't. But for so many(con)