Good morning and Happy Tuesday to everyone who is determined to survive these next four years just so we can tell these annoying, selfish MAGA fuckers "I told you so."
They voted for the orange ass-teroid.
They voted for the orange ass-teroid.
And quit disturbing.
Now, to find out how much of a government we have by midterms and seeing if we can correct course by then.
Trouble is, we *all* have to suffer for their willful ignorance. Can you imagine the world in 4 years?!
And have no peace ever
Republicans are going to turn on Trump now that he doesn't have COVID as an excuse and becomes extremely unpopular, to save themselves.
The excuses will sound something like, “homeless camps are a terrorist breeding ground” and “homeless people are undocumented illegals!”
It’s like you’re not even trying.
Man, they are that stupid!
...if I last 4 years...
But I cannot wait to be able to laugh at every single one of them as this BS unfolds in the meantime
I am thinking of leaving this country. It’s not the USA anymore. So corrupt.
Determined for certain!
Thank you for sticking with us!
We did it once, we can do it again! I refuse to be taken down by a group of people who claim to be fearless, yet meltdown when they see two men kissing😂
TWO years.
I’m all out of f**ks now! Certain I’ll be even less motivated to give a f**k when all this is said and done.
Sad we all have to suffer for it. I feel like I’m back in boot camp.