I don't know who needs to hear this, but trump lies ALL THE TIME, it's so fucking tiring to hear reporters and the media say "well, trump said..." stop using him as a reliable source.
He is deranged AND a liar.
Try "according to known liar and demented person..."
He is deranged AND a liar.
Try "according to known liar and demented person..."
If you asked Donald Trump for the time, he would lie to you for the practice.
He's a fucking sadistic selfish douche with impaired characterological traits
He's a weak kremlin biotch
He does only what gets him richer, more powerful, & prevents the kremlin from un-aliving him
Everything about him is a lie
The rest of the time......he's just wasting oxygen.
There is no more constitution, judges and laws don't matter anymore
Civil War is our only option
I cannot tell the truth-D.Trump
I can't tell the difference-Maga
Always and everywhere, but
We Don't Believe
I've never seen anyone with less direction. He says whatever sounds the best with no regard to the facts. 🤨
No one says a word. It's like, 'everyone should know by now,' but they don't.
I’ve been following BDD for years (well, I was banned from Twitter in 2021) and always love the posts!
" I didn’t sign it,” Trump said. “Other people handled it, but (Secretary of State) Marco Rubio has done a great job and he wanted them out and we go along with that. We want to get criminals out of our country.”
His pants are definitely on fire 😜
*🍊 will not be aware of this as he knows no science and wishes to ban reality
If people still don’t know this, then there is no help
He doesn’t even know himself what he is saying half the time
The biggest security threat to the US aren’t immigrants or external factors, it’s Donald Trump
Republicans described as "conservative." There is absolutely NOTHING conservative about today's Republicans. They are radical-right demagogues, and that is NOT merely a more extreme version of conservatism; true conservatism despises populist demagogy.
They are what they call themselves, MAGA, a fully corrupted party of its own.
It's too late anyway. The brainwashed are brainwashed until they die.
The rest of us know better.
Damn fools!
We are living in lunatic land.
If this were happening in any other country we would plaster that word everywhere!
She has such passion
We all know that . . .
💠 🤥 💠
A: He opens his mouth.
There, now you know. 😉
They friggin’ believed him with no evidence, but reams of evidence confirming he was 100% on board.
So here we are.
And the magical super gigantic teump faucet
MSM normalized a FuQin idiot
Failed multiple times
O you all know the dirty laundry list that defines him …
While Al Green WAS CENSURED??
They are meaningless.
Every time he breaks the law, file again. Force the reTHUGs to defend him. Keep doing it!
Doesn't need his straws anymore just a needle he will get crazy
Offered as a friendly amendment
Every conviction and reputational score should precede statements made by known axxhxxxs!
President and serial liar, bankrupt businessman, insurrectionist and sexual molester DONALD TRUMP announces Ukraine must comply.
Changes the weight somewhat.
Can't stress this enough.