Ok, I guess I have another thing to say now that I've read a bunch of posts:
I really, really hope that this doesn't feed the "Actually being joyously sexual in a semi-public space is Bad" shit that people have been posting in any way that is lasting.
I really, really hope that this doesn't feed the "Actually being joyously sexual in a semi-public space is Bad" shit that people have been posting in any way that is lasting.
If you saw people doing that, saw them forming friendships over it, and went "I am going to pretend I am into that to form those kinds of friendships" then uh, idk what to say to you.
I... Again, idk what to say. No? It's hard to go past "No". You are welcome to not engage, with the understanding that you will not get those friends or that popularity.
Should people stop openly bonding over... anything else, because you don't want to do that thing?
Y'know, one of those might become really popular and a bunch of people might all start bonding over it in a way that makes other people feel left out and therefore Pressured to Engage!