Bluesky academics, let's get to know each other! Quote this & tell me: 1) a project you are working on & 2) an odd idea/theory you aren't working on but keep thinking about.
1) dirtbag medievalism;
2) post-9/11 medievalism (esp GoT) as allegory for the failure of secularism as geopolitical paradigm
1) dirtbag medievalism;
2) post-9/11 medievalism (esp GoT) as allegory for the failure of secularism as geopolitical paradigm
Reposted from
Shaily Patel
Bluesky academics, let's get to know each other! Quote this & tell me: 1) a project you are working on & 2) an odd idea/theory you aren't working on but keep thinking about.
Here's mine:
1) a mini-monograph on heresy and magic.
2) the heretical corruption of scripture. (you can see it, right?)
Here's mine:
1) a mini-monograph on heresy and magic.
2) the heretical corruption of scripture. (you can see it, right?)
2) would read the hell out of a popular level article or something
2) I'll get around to it just as soon as I'm done with #1!