Joku katkoi Norjassa Evenesin lentotukikohdan valokuitukaapeleita rälläkällä. Tutkinta päättyy, mutta syyllistä ei saatu kiinni.
Se sota on täällä Euroopassa jo. ☝️
Se sota on täällä Euroopassa jo. ☝️
Reposted from
The Barents Observer
Police investigations come to an end with the main question unanswered. Who intentionally cut the fiber optic cable to Evenes Air Station in Northern Norway?
These things will go on as long as russia can not be officially charged for it, and these will not stop regardless what happens to the peace talks on Ukraine.
The war is already here in Europe.
Russia might use "unproffessional" people to do these sabotage strikes as we have seen before. Also in this case russia won't give a damn if the saboteur gets caught.
Actually they even might prefer non-russian citizen to do these because of the deniability.
I still wan't to emphazise that saboteur can be anyone. They even might be norwegian spying for China. ☝️
Or maybe Moldovian
They can be anyone