Amüsante Bewegtbildproduktion, mein Freund! 😂🤣 hat mich gut zum Lachen gebracht! Hat selbst die Mathilde zum Lächeln gebracht. Man könnte es auch "knorke" nennen, wie die Kids heutzutage sagen! GaLiGrü aus Deutschland 😂💪
As cringe as it is, its a pretty sweet comment especially in contrast to the toxicity you would typically experience online. I almost find it heartwarming
Reminds me of this guy who is always on my comment sections, I don't know if this is Russian or Ukrainian but even without translating you get a hold of what he's saying
That's cool to know! Because I know they're talking about enjoying my music, but even when putting his comments through Google Translate or deepL, the translation comes up very confusing most of the time
not from happiness, but from complete utter dissapointment
"Very good, very fine, don't ever slow down friend!!"
More literal translation for you!