High Speed Highway (6042-4619-1389)
- The level now uses the “future” color palette
- New visual details have been added
- Quality of life improvements
- The level now uses the “future” color palette
- New visual details have been added
- Quality of life improvements
- The “corrupted shards” at the end of the level no longer have collision, allowing you to simply run through them
- The positions of the arrow signs have been fixed
- Quality of life improvements
- The level now supports up to 40 beans (for ultimate bean mayhem!)
- The star stickers at the finish line have been replaced with crown stickers
- New visual details have been added
- Quality of life improvements
- The level now uses the “falloween” color palette
- The background tombstones are aligned better
- Quality of life improvements
- The level now uses the “winter” color palette
- The floating arrows are now properly aligned
- New visual details have been added
- Respawn zones have been added beneath the map to shorten how long you fall
- Quality of life improvements
- The level now uses the “space” color palette
- More planets now orbit
- Arrow signs and stickers are now properly aligned
- New visual details have been added
- Respawn zones have been added beneath the level to shorten falls
- The level now uses the “volcano” color palette
- The volcanoes now have slime pools beneath them
- The main stream of lava in the volcano is now more magma colored
- New visual details have been added
- Quality of life improvements