“Where the work takes me.” Surviving in that place had taken his life, taken the gods, but it had given him a new set of skills that many needed.
“I could tag along, I suppose. Don’t think I’ll be signing up with you. Just don’t have nothing else.”
“I could tag along, I suppose. Don’t think I’ll be signing up with you. Just don’t have nothing else.”
He hauls his pack back onto his shoulders and waits for Brash to be ready before continuing down the road.
“You ever been down to Murann?”
It's been a long time since he's done this much walking, but he'd been missing it, and though the halfling's of a sturdy build, his steps are light.
Goblinoids, he means. The Silver Fox of those woods had lead them all down the better path - but first, Ril had lead him.
“You one of those ‘us’ who made a name for themself?”