Americans don't respect farm work, they're always looking for cheap nonwhite exploitable labor to pick their food
You cannot push white folks to do to farm labor because it is slave (and thus, Black)-coded. FFS, look how they treated Native Hawaiians on those sugar plantations
You cannot push white folks to do to farm labor because it is slave (and thus, Black)-coded. FFS, look how they treated Native Hawaiians on those sugar plantations
Reposted from
Greg Sargent
This has gotten almost no coverage. But it's an important admission. Trump's pick for Ag Secretary appears to concede the premise that deportations could drive farmers out of business. That contradicts MAGA theology holding that migrants labor can only displace US workers. (cc
Looking on in horror from Britain! 😏
Farm labor is skilled labor and don't forget it!
The problem is that farmwork, especially picking fragile crops, is skilled labor. If the worker doesn’t care, you just get baskets of bruised mush.
Farmwork is incredibly easy to foul if you don’t. You can spoil a crop in ways that no one can spot that means it won’t get to market.
Shit-stained stick to prick apples at the base. It’ll rot before it hits the store.
Many such ancient tricks.
Those slaves on the line probably killed as many Confederates as the Union, and I hope they enjoyed every little moment of sabotage.
I don't think, for most people, they even consider all the invisible labor necessary for that to happen. 😑