And yet they did, and if worst fears are realized, history will very much see it that way. It's infantalizing to pretend Americans broadly didn't know who Trump is, or what he represents, or what he plans to do. They did, they just didn't care. We shouldn't excuse Americans their awful decisions.
I think people looked back on 2017-19 and thought things were better then and got worse from 2020 but forget the part trump played in letting thousands die of covid. They don't know or don't want to know about Project 2025 and the oligarchy that awaits them.
If it turns out I'm being histrionic, I'll be happy with that outcome. That will mean Trump ended up just being a shitty President, and American democracy trudged on.
I mean it’s trivially easy to show that the modal American voter doesn’t know what Trump stands for or believe he’ll do what he said. Please come back to that reality (the actual reality).
Not believing he'll do what he says he'll do is not the same as not knowing what he stands for. Plenty of Trump supporters will argue he won't do this or that. If he does do this or that, they should not be allowed to hide behind that nonsense. I'm talking about historical culpability here.
Every Trump voter in my life knows that Trump wants to deport a huge number of immigrants. Every one of them supports it. The fact that they haven't game theoried out that that means Jose at the bakery might go alongside the criminals they've conjured to mind. That doesn't excuse them in the least.
It is completely preposterous rather than infantilizing to posit that the majority of American voters are fully informed. You don’t really believe that. Bad faith to claim otherwise.
You absolutely do not have to be fully informed to know who Trump is and the things he has proposed. It's preposterous to suggest that. Seeing three clips of the guy on Tik Tok is more than enough. He makes no secret of his priorities. He hides nothing.
Lmao. Every person over 40 I know is glued to their TVs instead. I get the feeling I'm not the one who has failed to inhabit the real world here, but I don't know you, so I'm not going to repeat it three times as though it means anything. We're just going to have to disagree. History will decide.