if he read his bible, he'd realised that Jesus F'ING DIED to save lost and broken people like Hunter.
Not self righteous hypocritical Pharisees who would rather see someone suffer than lend them a hand.
WTF? Does he think Hunter Biden slaughtered 100 babies and drank their blood? And by the way asshole fake 'Christian" its not up to you who Jesus does or does not forgive---God Fucking Damn these mfers are beyond insane.
So the dude thinks that Jesus won't pardon Hunter Biden for lying about his drug use on an application for a firearm and paying his taxes 2 years late? The Jesus character tipped over tables 😂😂😂😂
I do recall the New Testament mentioning that Jesus will specifically not pardon those that lie on their gun registration form, so he may have a point.
Jesus was notorious for holding a grudge... 99% of Christians don't hold to the most basic Christian principles of caring for the poor, forgiveness, and humility
Just went to that post and saw that it’s a proposed community note which I was able to rate as helpful since it cites high quality sources - that link to the Bible verse😃
Approximately a third of all Americans are actually just evil. There's really no getting around it. They celebrate evil and hate goodness. Relentlessly. There are constant reminders of this, but everyone is too afraid to just call it what it is.
Since you are speaking for the Lord, read Matthew 6:9-15 (and quite a few other scriptures. Maybe you should read up in the Bible so you can speak with some level of credibility…
That was a different Jesus. Mr. Rich is thinking about rich, white, American Jesus driving his F250 pickup truck and shooting immigrants with his AR-15 while spitting on the poor, the sick, and the imprisoned, as depicted in the Gospel according to Trump.
Perhaps someone should warn this so-called Christian ... Jesus also instructed that if you want to throw stones, you should be sure that YOU are completely without any sin yourself.
I’m so tired of these fake christians that are full of hate, bitterness & recriminations. They are so deep in their abhorrence that they are perverting the words of Jesus to justify their words and actions. Truly shameful …
I've read that people who do follow back end up with a lot of MAGAs and other weirdos in their follow lists. Apparently some block lists block the user AND their followers.
But I never got the follow back thing. I follow people I want to hear from, not some weirdos who want to hear from me lol
I think he’s talking about Republican Jesus. This Jesus says to the sick, "No insurance, too bad for you." He says to the stranger, "I’m sending you back to your country.” He says to the hungry, "I’m not paying more taxes to feed you." And he says to the poor, "Pick yourself up by your bootstraps."
Actually, I think Jesus will be just fine with Justice. Hunter Biden was persecuted far more than any other defendant with the same addiction & crimes. When have you seen anyone else dragged into Congress as a private citizen in those circumstances. Jesus doesn't like lies or deception, so GOP sins.
Not self righteous hypocritical Pharisees who would rather see someone suffer than lend them a hand.
Common mistake.
I thought he was as broke as Rudy
I may choose to forgive, but I never forget
And Jesus won't forgive him for that.
Was a similar disease at work in Germany in the run-up to WWII?
I'd ask what the fuck is wrong over in the US but considering the election it must be a whole lot.
But I never got the follow back thing. I follow people I want to hear from, not some weirdos who want to hear from me lol
What are they going to find in my posts that will be helpful to them in their job of reporting news?