Maybe one of the stupidest, most evil and selfish bitches on the internet.
She’s spent years hopping from one grift to another for any scrap of recognition and now she’s using it to blame victims, excuse the people actually at risk (unlike her) and spread insane propaganda.
She’s spent years hopping from one grift to another for any scrap of recognition and now she’s using it to blame victims, excuse the people actually at risk (unlike her) and spread insane propaganda.
Has she been living under a rock for the past two weeks?
Normally it stops once they start punching you in the face but not with her. No suck up to the people as they abuse you.
Do it publicly.
Ask your friends to get in line!
So Brianna, if you read this, I want you to know that this comes from the bottom of my heart:
Also, y'know, fuck her and anyone else pulling this shit, this is *the worst possible time* to be throwing people to the wolves.
ESPECIALLY trans people.
I was on her side during Gamer Gate but not anymore.
PS. Hello Jordan. I've never had twatter so I guess I follow you here. :3
Met Auntie Brianna.
But she’s proceeded to all but tattoo “GRIFTER PICKME” on her forehead and needs to go away asap. She’s causing active harm.
What the fuck is this shit? Knowing the puritanical standards she holds this is honestly mind blowing.
I get it some don’t like the loud gays this is why I don’t trust them.
us all gender jihadists.
I fucked with her so much in one day that she blocked me.
If you're looking to a utopian past, ur a reactionary. Full stop. Harry Benjamin was once considered a radical too