The Civil Rights Act of 1964 passed with the help of almost all of the Republicans in the Senate 30-2 Democrats 47-16. Robert Byrd and his group are certainly long dead. Name five racist Democrat office holders who joined the Republican Party. I'm truly curious because I can't think of one.
Yeah moderate Republican probably. Not the crazy conservative types. Freaking Goldwater didn't vote for it. You think MAGA Republican today would vote for the civil rights act of 1964? Oh please 😆
False. Racism isn't party specific. There is no research that supports that the Democratic party started nor was/is the primary source of members for the KKK. Also, it is not an old chestnut to say that once Truman and Johnson started supporting more civil rights, the racists Dems left to the GOP.
It's good to know history, and the republicans were for freeing slaves, while democrats wanted to keep them oppressed, but that was a long time ago. Now, republicans have a monopoly on racist hate, there's no doubt about it.
You're right racism isn't specific to anything. The KKK was. The racist Dems didn't go to the GOP. They just faded into the background. Some like George Wallace reformed. The GOP was busy becoming spineless silk suit wearing corporatists. Now they're transforming again. Lets see where it goes.
Of course, the Republicans of the 1800’s were the abolitionists. The parties switched hats after the 1964 civil rights act. Study your history before you post
Study your history before you post. The parties never switched and it's been explained many times. Complete with twenty-seven 8 by 10 colored glossy pictures with the circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one explainin' what each one was. You can look it up
Let me write that differently. Most Democrats of the 1800’s were pro slavery. Up until the 1964 Civil Rights bill the southern Democrats, were segregationists. After that they began to change their party registration to today’s Republican Party.
See you keep getting hung up on that last part. It didn't happen. Ahh I finally found it the big switch was Albert Watson in the house and Strom Thurmond in the Senate. That's it. Robert Byrd, Russell Long, William Fullbright, Hale Boggs, Al Gore Sr., and Richard Russell were life long democrats.
In the South, the move by Democrats to the Republican Party happened over a decade at the state government level. I spent half my life in Georgia and watched it happen. Look at Nixon’s “southern strategy” after Johnson stated that “we’ve lost the South for 2 generations”.
Read Thomas Sowell's book it if you want the details. Nixon was a Quaker and a desegregationist. George Wallace won Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana, and Arkansas on an anti-civil rights, pro-states’ rights ticket. Nixon won because he promised to end the war in Vietnam. Which he did.
There were racist Conservative Democrats in the party. Many of them either died off or joined the GOP.