saw you talking abt seonghwa licking the wound with his mouth full of cum, they won’t even have to disinfect it later since hjs acid battery cum is probably salty enough to kill any bacteria
i agree they must stay on.... they're a necessity.... also i must say i'm a big fan of hj's Hair down there :// does this hot criminal mastermind have a happy trail by any chance... (almost wrote happy trial which is hilarious but no trial for them, they're Getting Away)
they get arrested and then sh is like “pls officer i’ll do anything🥺” while handcuffed and kneeling, this gives hj time to headbutt the distracted officer from behind and steal the pistol 🔫 they get away yet again….
I love this AU soooo much actually like the on-the-run of it all, the mischief, partners in crime who are also getting off to how insane they both are🤕🤕