Of course. I needed a cleanse. Avoided MSNBC except for Nicolle and Rachel. Unsubscribed from all political podcasts except @mollyjongfast.bsky.social
BUT: what’s coming is too important to ignore. I’ll be back.
Barely watched before because the nonstop equivocation and dumbing-down was a waste of time. I’d crafted a collection of sources with real expertise, and not only people I agreed with all the time. It was work and I’m trying to replicate that resource here.
not to MSM. unless and until they recommit to it objective fact. across the political spectrum. which seems a pipe dream. i don’t see the MSM getting fixed and i am wary of independent news that tells me what i want to hear.
I’ve personally just stopped. I’ll continue to vote when the time comes, but the next four years are going to be a clown show and my mental health has been in a good spot.
I watch specific social media channels such as yours. It helps me process/work through what is actually happening. Sometimes working through unconformable feelings other times turning it all off and doing my thing. I haven't regularly watched MSM in years though.
Nope, honestly, I’m listening to your podcasts… following Substacks from @wajali.bsky.social and @hcrichardson.bsky.social, looking for additional recs.
I watch nightly news, it’s not emotional damaging. I select podcasts I’m listening to now, most left leaning podcasts don’t make sense to me. Trying to find other news sources.
Legacy media didnt just drop the ball, they forfeited the whole damn game. We can't trust them and I won't be back. I'm sticking to independent journalists and podcasters.
Any news source that brings in talking heads from “both sides” I no longer watch. I’ve witnessed too many blatant lies with no push back to give them my time.
I found your YouTube channel recently, subscribed, and am watching every episode. I love your content and presentation, and especially appreciate your honesty and not pretending that everything will be ok. (1 of 4)
If they are able to do what they’re planning with the Affordable Care Act, Medicare, and Medicaid, a lot of us will not survive. I have a rare genetic disorder (CCHS) and don’t breathe on my own when I’m asleep. (2 of 4)
I need a ventilator at night and losing health insurance would literally be a death sentence. I’m terrified of what’s coming and can’t watch news that says we’ll all survive this together because I know that’s a lie. (3 of 4)
Listening to you being raw and authentic is huge in getting me and we through this, validating the rollercoaster, and keeping the mobilization to be ready for God knows what. I thank you and please keep it going girl!!!
Maybe eventually, but if I do, it is going to look a whole lot different than my habits before. Right now I’m using social media to follow local news pages (such as it is) and international news media pages and those like yourself, Waj and others I followed before the election and know I can trust.
Nup. Even the little snippets I catch on the background TV when I'm at my elder mother's place doing care work continue the fascist sane-washing. Truly disgusting.
@daniellemoodie.bsky.social nope I refuse to watch they are the problem everything they are saying now should have been said during election season. They want us to be glued to the TV all day every day. They (media) truly feel like they have won here they think this is 17-20 big mistake
Not at all. I stopped watching the news years ago, Maine over a decade. Now, I follow journalists on social media because most of the work they are proud of won't get published. Plus, I get first dubs on signed copies of their books🙂
Yes, I quit watching mainstream news and I am less anxious. I get my news from this platform and podcasts. Also, Crooks & Liars, Raw Story and Democratic Underground.
News in the US has primarily been political punitry for years
Everything covered, even interbational issues, was through that narrow lens
Given the failures an alternative mainstream source would capture my attention but I do not see that being launched
Anyone who gets their news solely via US broadcast networks is kidding themselves if they thinkg they are fully informed. I turned that @#%$ off years ago.
I get news + op/ed from US + UK newspapers; radio (NPR, BBC, CBC); and podcasts ("The New Abnormal" is definitely in the mix -- thanks!)
PBS Newshour, Democracy Now (love Amy Goodman) have great reporters and of course Mary trump media and MTS also check on social media to read up on the Hill and various reputable newspapers
No news. Micro dosing even independent writers I love. Limit time here. I do watch Mary Trump Nerd Avengers. I hate seeing her in distress like this. But the show calms me, oddly. Your rants fire me up, Danielle!
I should add that I am using the free time figuring out how to be useful to others. Hope to volunteer at a women’s health clinic soon. There are lots of ways to stay in the fight and stay sane.
Basically my answer is "no". I've watched about an hour of @CNN and @MSNBC occasionally & then quickly turn it off. MSM has failed us b/c there were 2 different standards applied. Democrats have to do a deep dive as to why they lost, but more importantly, I want to know what the future plans are
PS - I watch podcasts from trusted sources, such as yours and others, but stop the whining phase and start planning for the future. Stop the finger pointing, what's done is done. BTW, I'm a Canadian who served my country for 27 years and it literally breaks my heart to see your country collapse
Even the news I stumble on here seems useless to my day to day life. I am reading more, cooking more, strategizing how not to spend any money for the next 4 years and pulling $ out of the bank. Which local stores will replace the chains I used to shop at. Spreading positive ideas around. It's good.
I haven’t returned. It felt like they betrayed my trust by normalizing so much extremism on the right. I’ve turned to BBC, and the Guadian, for global perspective. ProPublica, and contributors on this site, local newspapers. The false framing of every narrative by CNN, NYTimes, Wash Post got to me.
I had already stopped watching CNN and dropped MSNBC when I found out they bent over for the orange asshole. I've always relied on AP and Reuters but have been depending on sources outside the US like The Guardian, Al Jazeera, and the BBC. I also follow The Bulwark and @meidastouch.bsky.social
Mary Trump Media, Your YouTube channel in particular, The Lincoln Project, George Convey, Jen Taub, Brian Tyler Cohen, The Politics Girl, and other similar sources.
I have stopped watching most news. Only a few people left that give it to us straight up. Also had to unfollow a lot of podcasts. Kept yours though. I am happier and my anxiety feels less spiky.
I’m listening to you and Waj everywhere; pods (Leigh McGowan, The Daily Beans, Allison Gill, following Heather Cox Richardson, Joyce Vance… I’m less disgusted w/out cable news.
With CNN's lurch for ratings, and now MSNBC hinting at the bifurcation tango, who's left? (NPR: ME, ME!) Maybe, since their overlords have misled us all they deserve to go sit in the corner. I've been here a week, and I feel relatively informed without 18 minutes of commercials/hour. Only 18?
YouTube a few, Threads - every now & then I’ll catch a celeb on instagram saying something - that’s it.
MSM we’re so bad during the campaigns that I have not watch ONE since Nov 5 and will not be tuning in at all. Sad, because I was the type that would centered dinner around the news or snacktime.
For me it was the opposite. I started watching news again during/after the elections. Woke me up in a way. The last thing I want now is to close my eyes and pretend nothing is happening.
I will not return. I’m getting news secondhand from you and others I trust. My goal is to never see or hear that disgusting orange traitor (or any of his minions or cult members) ever again! Hopefully the pro-democracy heroes I’ve come to rely on will be able to continue to follow what is happening.
We got here because I believe MSM failed the American people by continuing to sanewash Trump. MSM doesn’t have its finger on any pulse. To that point all MAGA is is an echo chamber…. Soooo
MSM has a ton of problems, that's for sure. But alt media is generally just opinions on various MSM articles and occasionally more fringe articles smashed together. The degree of journalism is substantially different and alt media relies on interpretations of MSM
very little mainstream news dumped Apple news on my phone get most off youtube and BlueSky and podcasts such as yours and only listen to academics so sick of conspiracies and speculation
I definitely do not watch the news. But I do follow some sources. I have a Washington Post subscription. I check in periodically with The Bulwark folks; I like them.
BUT: what’s coming is too important to ignore. I’ll be back.
Your daily message resonates with so many of us #Subscribed
Everything covered, even interbational issues, was through that narrow lens
Given the failures an alternative mainstream source would capture my attention but I do not see that being launched
I read online publications and follow ethical journos on social.
YT and PBS in small doses.
I get news + op/ed from US + UK newspapers; radio (NPR, BBC, CBC); and podcasts ("The New Abnormal" is definitely in the mix -- thanks!)
Enough news seeps through the cracks to convince me not to try to source aby.
MSM we’re so bad during the campaigns that I have not watch ONE since Nov 5 and will not be tuning in at all. Sad, because I was the type that would centered dinner around the news or snacktime.
Cancelled WashPost but kept NYTimes since wife does crossword daily. I’m starting to read a number of foreign newspapers online.
MSM giving airtime to lies and liars is a no for me.