Difficult to say. The risk of further war in Europe, has increased due to the imbecile orange critter in the White House. Listen to Royal Danish Navy Commander and war analyst at the Danish Defence Academy Anders Puch Nielsen.
The Dems need a plan before asking for money. Then we will buy in with volunteering and funds if we can. We are all a bit bitter from the last election.
Can you write/ring to Pelosi tell to stop surrending to Trump? She chose Connolly over AOC, & Dingle over Crockett. Connolly has 4,000 followers vs AOC 20 million. I had never heard of Dingle. Contact all your Dems & tell them until they put AOC & Crockett up front no more votes & no more money.
We are not on our own. Don't let them trick you into feeling that. I belong to 6 different groups. Danielle's is one of them. Danielle does livestreaming & tomorrow is her "Call to Action Thursday!" Most livestreams/podcasts she does has practical suggestions. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kXqfOEdSiCg
When billionaires are spending millions & millions to convince you that you are powerless, we have to consider "Why they are spending all that money to convince us that we are powerless?"
Again, thank you. I’ve got to shed this weight of cynicism, worry, and despair. I’m so concerned about my family’s present and future. The extractive colonial practices that prop-up capitalism in this nation are overwhelming.
Feeling overwhelmed is normal & to be expected. Tomorrow you might be consoling me. You are so concerned about your family's present & future because you are paying attention & you love them. Colonial practices & capitalism are overwhelming. We can fight back. https://www.democracydocket.com/opinion/10-things-we-can-all-do-to-protect-democracy/
Exactly! The dems had 4 years to plan for the election, knowing trump was coming back. He laid out his plans for everyone to read and yet, the dems, with the exception of a few are deer in headlights. There is no playing nice with fascists and they seem to still not get it.
They came out with a condemnation of the J6 pardons A WEEK LATER!!!! They aren’t even trying to catch up. They aren’t the “adults in the room”. They are “the mats on the floor”. Ridiculous.
I spent my afternoon commute asking myself the same question, felt nauseous and angry the more I thought about it.
You were amazing on Mary Trump’s podcast today.
Take the democrats part. Remove the leadership. There are more of you then them. Don't give into the fear mongering by these feckless worms who say centrism aka kiss the ass of the the right is the best course. Toss them out. Anyone who has ties to corporate business to be seen as a detriment.
DANIELLE! YouTube just took down your video re the Super Bowl!! Somehow you have to do another one without the NFL clips because America needs to hear what you two said/explained about the halftime show. I was about to share it widely!!!
Pelosi is surrending to Trump. She chose Connolly over AOC, & Dingle over Crockett. She's protecting her insider trading rather than save America. She's protecting her white skin privilege over saving democracy.
@danielle moodie
We lost. We’ve never been great at long-term strategy or bringing the right tools to the fight. Republicans/Conservatives need to grow a fucking spine and defend our democracy. Time to turn the corner and stop complaining about Dems. Republicans need held accountable. (2/2)
@Danielle Moodie, I get your frustration with Biden and the Dems, but MAGA Republicans are enabling this—backing unqualified appointees and letting Musk run wild. Your voice is powerful; aim it where it counts. Don’t blame the Dems anymore. (1/2)
No thanks.
You were amazing on Mary Trump’s podcast today.
We lost. We’ve never been great at long-term strategy or bringing the right tools to the fight. Republicans/Conservatives need to grow a fucking spine and defend our democracy. Time to turn the corner and stop complaining about Dems. Republicans need held accountable. (2/2)