DOGE’s actions aren’t helping: by attacking federal workers, they are creating thousands of potential vulnerabilities in our national security. This cannot be a good thing.
All vets need to be a part of this. If you can't make it to DC, go to your local state capital. Let's not suffer in silence. Let it be known vets stand together. Please share far and wide.
As Putin's puppets propose appeasement (capitulation) it might be worthwhile to take a stroll down memory lane... Resistance (Oпір) - a collection of photos documenting the initial Ukrainian/World resistance:
Truth. The GOP stopped being a political party a long time ago. Like everything he touches, Trump destroyed it. Narcissists have a way of doing that. And now he’s destroying our country.
I’m thinking Trump will layoff our military and have Russian troops run our bases because they’ll be more loyal to president Trump and work for less. 😀
I agree. Even Xi in China said he knew how to handle Donald Trump. His weakness that they all know, is his ego. Just flatter his ego and he will give our enemies whatever they want. With Russia I suspect it's money as well.
It has been an invasion from within. I don't know how USA will rebuild or how long it will take, but millions will suffer. I can't believe (watching from UK) the amount of damage they are doing and the speed of it.
The republican party is a terrorist organization. We need to start calling it what it is. Also, can we stop both sides bullshit? Wanting healthcare for everyone, fully funded public schools, free college, equal rights for all minority groups, and the end of police brutality ≠ republican extremism.
If there's anybody in the Democratic party reading this, these are the people you need to make your commercials. Hard-Hitting engaging not some lame ass when they go low we go high. It's past time to start playing hardball and the Lincoln project plays hardball.
Here's an 💡Get Dems. to use their donation $ and Start campaigning NOW with ADS. that are good/funny/shocking and lo-fi, not high production.
Flood the zone with those kind of messages. Know anyone that can initiate this?
I see TV ads from this administration about things Biden did wrong every day!
Imagine if you could secure the rights to the imagery and music to make your own videos. You could use songs such as Land of confusion (Disturbed), for what it's worth (Buffalo Springfield) & sounds of silence (Disturbed). Paired with some nice imagery & maybe Gen. Z will pay attention.
No, but I wish I did because most of the Democratic content creators with large platforms basically stick to the same old script. I keep seeing videos & post about pushing back well this is how you push. You literally have to remind Republicans everyday about what they brought into existence.
On court jester aka. VP Vance's clownish attempt to impress his king: JD has always made Trump look bad from the start with his ill-timed interventions and has always been a catalyst for things going viral for the wrong reasons. This time he really went over the top. Such a loser! 😂😂😂
At the White House today, I've never been so proud of Volodymyr Zelensky and Ukraine right now! Trump is Putin's thug and an arse and does not realize he's in the presence of greatness! 🇺🇦 👊🏼
“Land of the free home of the brave”
Is that now seen as a contradiction?
The ordinary republican voter is now a victim of being blindsided the cult don’t care, twice now two foreign leaders have corrected stooge 47 on their podium in his presence,
USA 🇺🇸 must not capitulate to the stooge fascists.
Our own government is being dismantled right in front of us by a technocrat oligarch who thinks himself untouchable because most don't understand AI or tech, as we argue about Reps/Dems -- and it goes way beyond that. Treason doesn't even begin to describe it. #UnmaskMusk
I keep repeating this. Hate Trump/Musk all you want, but fact is Republicans could bring it all to an end by the stroke of a pen.
They are the reason America is FUBAR.
Who knew a vote for the Republicans was a vote for Russian alignment? Well, it hasn’t been a secret. It was said on the campaign trail a people chose not to listen.
Today at the White House: We just saw a President of the United States attempt to rowboat and extort the President of another nation, a repeat of exactly what Hitler did with the Chancellor of Austria, Schussnigg, in 1936, he brow eat him to surrender Austria to Hitler.
I fear Rs will be all too happy to eat up what Trump just served. They know better than to walk away from Ukraine and toward Putin, but they're looking for any excuse to do so
And what the fuck are you doing about it instead of whining on social medias...we're all watching you from abroad and what we see is a bunch of ball-less whiners
You assholes were really strong with your drones and your apaches to massacre irakians, afghans, VN, laosians, cambodgians to "lead them to democracy" but when it comes to your own you shit in your pants
“Trump and Vance [are] on Russia’s side” is a lazy, cheap, and ultimately dishonest argument
One can reject Zelenskyy’s impertinence—and especially his unrealistic demands for us to keep funding his war with no plan for peace—without being with Putin
Listen to their words, follow the influence, and watch their actions. There is something fundamentally broken in this party. The party of Reagan became the party of Putin in 40 years. Maybe confirmation bias, cognitive dissonance, and logical fallacy being the basis for policy is a bad idea. Craig Unger has written two books on Trump’s connections to Russia’s security services & Russian mafia since the 1980s.
Unger says he is “absolutely certain” that Trump a Russian asset whose current actions benefiting Putin & destroying relationships with long-time allies.
Please post actual links with embedded videos. I need to be able to open yhis in youtube by clicking, not embedded on Bluesky. Embedded streaming media on *any* social media platform causes my tablet to hang or crash.
Putin is bankrupt, only way that he can survive he has to pull his last card, "KRASNOV", he has to pay back for All benefits he received since 1987 or he will go down with him, so Dumpy and his Team panic a bit, as EU/CANADA/TURKEY will stand up to protect the land of the free
We completely forgot Russian Intelligence Services. Names may have changed, but Russian spies and manipulators have been practicing their arts since the Boyars. Trumposhenko and the Jeenyus 5 y.o. can't fart w/o a Russian measuring and smelling it. The U.S.A. has been totally penetrated.
No! The USA is not dead! The only thing that is dead is the Republican party. The American people haven't begun to fight. The sleeping giant is awakening!
Imagine an American Fascist President sucking up to a Russian Communist Butcher . . . and betraying our loyal Allies of over 70+ years.
#GOPcultSHAME #GOPtraitors #TrumpianFOOLS
As a Canadian, I will never stop supporting American businesses just because they are American. I will stop supporting American businesses because they support Trumpian policies.
Remember back in the Cheeto’s first term, there was a group of Americans who moved to Russia because they bought the lies about how wonderful it was there? If memory serves, they weren’t there very long when they were crying and wanting to return to the US. I think there’s a lesson in that story.
Putin has pulled off the most successful psyops operation in global history by co-opting one of our two political parties and a good portion of our media. There will be college courses solely about what he did
Trump was a threat to our Democracy the very 1st term.
Now, he's a full-on dictator with the influences of corporate media, a MAGA GOP Party, the 1%class with Elon Musk, and Russia.
In the 1950’s & ‘60’s Russia said “ we don’t have to fire a single shot to take over America we will get you from within.” “It made take up to 100 years.” Here we are 50 plus years later DT seems to be that person from within!
While cry-baby-tariff Trump is threatening the world with economic sanctions (that's what tariffs are), Europe has signed new trade deals with Canada and India.
In the meantime, the US has distanced itself from Canada, the EU, and Mexico and insulted the rest of the world (slight exaggeration).
We knew Donald Trump was a Russian asset during his first administration. Yet 49% of the American voters chose to put him back into the White House. They own this .
They own it and won't recognize what they have done. Even when they are impacted on a personal level, they will still sing the song of the right wing radical. They are not deep thinkers.
This is going to end with one of the world's many nuclear powers nuking our asses for being so stoopid & rude.
My money is on either Pakistan or India.
But still haven't ruled out Russia or N Korea.
Vance shot back, "I'm talking diplomacy that's going to end the destruction of your country. I think it's disrespectful for you to come into the Oval Office try to litigate this in front of the American media.THIS FROM A STOLEN VALOR JEEP DRIVER CORPORAL ASSIGNED TO DRIVE REPORTERS AROUND IRAQ
They hate all of us who aren’t part of their scheme.
Doing my bit to stand against fascism from the UK 💙💙
Trump, Musk, GOP & MAGA are cancers to America.
Slava Ukraini
Republicans approve of this Coup.
This would all STOP if they objected. Treat them accordingly!
And Big Religion TV.
And right wing media.
And right wing internet influencers.
And Rupert Murdoch.
G.O.P. now stands for GUT, OBSTRUCT & PRIVATIZE!
THEY STAND AGAINST most everything
WE THE PEOPLE are standing for!
Now that's AN ACT OF WAR!!
Flood the zone with those kind of messages. Know anyone that can initiate this?
I see TV ads from this administration about things Biden did wrong every day!
#NATO #UnitedStates #Europe
Is that now seen as a contradiction?
The ordinary republican voter is now a victim of being blindsided the cult don’t care, twice now two foreign leaders have corrected stooge 47 on their podium in his presence,
USA 🇺🇸 must not capitulate to the stooge fascists.
They are the reason America is FUBAR.
#Trump and #JDVance have disgraced themselves and the country they claim to represent.
#Zelensky is now the Leader Of The Free World.
I guess political ambitions “trump” moral convictions.
One can reject Zelenskyy’s impertinence—and especially his unrealistic demands for us to keep funding his war with no plan for peace—without being with Putin
Marcus Tullius Cicero
Unger says he is “absolutely certain” that Trump a Russian asset whose current actions benefiting Putin & destroying relationships with long-time allies.
Mark my words, China will invade Taiwan soon.
#GOPcultSHAME #GOPtraitors #TrumpianFOOLS
We all will make damn sure of that.
It's called Resistance
The Rapeublican Party.
Now, he's a full-on dictator with the influences of corporate media, a MAGA GOP Party, the 1%class with Elon Musk, and Russia.
In the meantime, the US has distanced itself from Canada, the EU, and Mexico and insulted the rest of the world (slight exaggeration).
My money is on either Pakistan or India.
But still haven't ruled out Russia or N Korea.
Has become
the New Axis of Evil
The ex-Kazakh security chief alleged that Trump hails from the category of “ideally recruitable people”. Mussayev claimed that he did not doubt Moscow having a “kompromat” (compromising material) on Trump.