By trump's own definition he's a genius. Now you know exactly his definition of the word. Ordinary people probably define someone saying this as a dumpkopf but who's ordinary these days?
How much lube did it take for Trump to get his head so far up his ass?!? Did Costco have lube available in 5 gallon buckets?!? Trump's breath must be nasty!!!
I can't decide if Trump's MAGA cultists are so clueless they don't realize the import of what he says or if they do understand and just don't give a fuck.
Musk acts like he is the king, but he is only a white supremacist autocrat who wants to rule the world with is multi dollars that the American people paid to his businesses. American people don’t owe him, he owes his $$$$$$ to the American people who he is throwing out of their livelihood.
Billionaires laughing and clapping. The Mussolini moment is coming closer and closer..............What? They stopped laughing? Running instead of clapping? History denied is often repeated isn't it.
Trump, with his stupid actions, is strengthening the support and love of Americans for the Ukrainian people and Zelensky, not the other way around!…)))
so elon found a group of people he feels he fits in with..??
assholes, thieves, and the mentally challenged was his goal?
Does he think hes one of the cool kids now? seriously??
He couldn't be half as dumb as Trump and the maga sheep who follow him. And at least he's brave enough to speak out.
But dont you worry because nobody follows you either
Please stop spreading the lie that he has some mandate. He doesn’t remember a third of the population didn’t vote for him and many of these people are angry right now.
Nixon was basically removed by his own party. The republicans of that time offered him to choose between resignation or impeachment.
Those kind of Republicans are long gone. Trump has that present outfit under his full control.
Hell opened its gaping maw and there it was. In one room. Converging to identify more victims. For more destruction. Howling for vengeance. Demanding retribution for their vacant souls.
I started laughing when I saw that! What irony. Does trump even think before he talks? Does he hear himself? Nothing he says can be trusted. What he says doesn't matter because he is doing the opposite of what he days! Idiot!
Being British I have no idea about the American constitution but isn't there something in there that can be invoked to get rid of a mentally deficient, warmongering, Russian puppet who is bringing down democracy in the USA?
The only ones who can stop him now are those in Congress. The only hope is that he so badly crashes the economy, Congressional Republicans step in and impeach him. But time is rapidly running out as he installs loyalists in all the important posts.
I'm sure his plan is to crash the economy so that his rich friends can pick over the bones and make a fortune, so can't see anyone stepping up to impeach him whatever happens. Greed and fear are winning unfortunately.
Yeah, ultimately the Speaker of the House decided what motions/votes get taken on and Mike Johnson is entirely fine with Trump rendering Congress irrelevant, even if others might not be.
Let them call me rebel, and welcome, I feel no concern from it; but I should suffer the misery of devils, were I to make a whore of my soul by swearing allegiance to one, whose character is that of a sottish, stupid, stubborn, worthless, brutish man.
Vance and Johnson applaud like they’re the dumbest humans alive.
Trump is psychotic *
Donald Trump unconsciously projecting his darkside, ( his shadow archetype) upon the other ( upon his projected enemies
And yes.
All the money in the world can't satisfy them.
me guffaw!
Seriously. Do they even recognize reality any more?
I'll take Heart Attack for $1,000, Alex.
OH, wrong TV show.
(It's never been America's strong suit.)
The most powerful man in the world thinks the Truth makes you weak.
A clear and Present Danger‼️
Because the courts are gonna wanna know that Musk actually runs "DOUCHE".
What the f**k is going on in US? A new Hitler is coming to life
He got the memo to where a suit.
assholes, thieves, and the mentally challenged was his goal?
Does he think hes one of the cool kids now? seriously??
Donald Trump is being blackmail by Putin with video of prostitutes peeing on him in a Moscow hotel in 2013.
Not better. Surely worse, actually. But different.
But dont you worry because nobody follows you either
Nothing can stop you now.
Trump has been impeached twice, but the cult that is his party believe they owe him blind loyalty so it won't go anywhere if they try a third time.
Those kind of Republicans are long gone. Trump has that present outfit under his full control.
They currently have majorities everywhere -no matter how slim.
Further, if anybody would manage to get rid of Trump, then that would only install J.D.Vance.
If you manage to get rid of both, then you end up with Mike Johnson as president.
both then
Hell opened its gaping maw and there it was. In one room. Converging to identify more victims. For more destruction. Howling for vengeance. Demanding retribution for their vacant souls.
— Thomas Paine, The American Crisis
My first viewing of anything from last night.
First and last, I believe.
Maybe it was written by Clown Prince Elon…