Trump and Musk are cutting 80,000 jobs from the VA, including suicide and crisis help. Our veterans answered the call, but now nobody will answer theirs.
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My two cents and being a little insensitive at the moment to make a point. Allowing them to off themselves solves the spending problem. I do not think this way. I in someone else’s shoes.
Support for our veterans is the LAST thing that should be cut. They have all sacrificed so much - AND their families have sacrificed. The LEAST we owe them are the things we PROMISED as a people to provide them.
Let’s not forget that the draft-dodging rapist said the Presidential Medal he SOLD to a donor is “much better” than the Congressional Medal of Honor because MoH heroes are frequently wounded or dead. He refused to photo-op with wounded veterans because it would be bad for his look.
I could feel my blood pressure rise watching this…I am not a combat vet, but I work with combat vets at a VA hospital and can't tell you how many talk about their trauma…but their trauma does not only affect them while at the hospital it affects them 24/7, that veteran crisis helpline saves lives.
as a vet and an employee that question is NEVER asked and very intrusive, the conversation/therapy is always focused on their combat trauma, military experience or what they want to focus on that hour or so…the only time that info is ever known is they bring it up…
Cruelty is part of who Trump is and everybody else who's enabling him apparently enjoy it as well.
Like they say if you have one Nazi at your dinner table along with 10 others who do not protest you don't have just one Nazi at your dinner table, now you have 11.
He continues to make stupid remarks for a man that was a Master Chief for the USAF police. My husband asked him how he would have liked being punched in the face while in uniform like what happened on J6, he doesn't believe that happened. We told him to please change channels. I damn near die for this ungrateful pisshole and 70% of the voterbase repays me and millions of others by A: abandoning their oaths to the constitution, B: voting for the insurrection-fomenting fucking rapist who killed 2 million people, or C: not voting at all.
Do you think cultists gives a rats ass about rule of law when brazenly flaunting violations knowing nothing will be done? Outside the breach of Constitution, Military Coup is needed
I gave my solemn oath to Our Constitution, to defend it against all enemies foreign and domestic. That Oath is forever.
trump is THE domestic enemy of Our Constitution and must be treated as such.
He is deliberately shortening the lives of people he considers weak or undesirable, including veterans who are sick or injured. He is treating us all like a flock of chickens with bird flu.
The fate of veterans' jobs and benefits now rests with a man who left South Africa in part to avoid mandatory conscription and another who bought himself a dubious, if not fraudulent, medical exemption from military service at the height of the Vietnam War.
Trump is responsible for Musk is running around implementing cuts everywhere. Trump is responsible for any tragedy that flows from people losing their jobs, their healthcare or other benefits.
America's shame and loss of reputation on the world stage is Trump's fault. Make him pay.
This pisses me off SO effing much. My best friend relies on the VA for PTSD counseling after being r@ped in the USAF. She has a disability after Desert Storm & the burn pits. Wtf
So many vets already have shitty care, WHY???
Why is this a thing
I was in the reserves but I wasn't going to the V.A. because I figured it was more important for those who served more time to get the care. Now we have a draft dodging bone spur asshole dismantling it with a Nazi!
DOGE to cut VA contracts for medical instrument sterilization --- If you don't have to pay for a service, you are the product... Veterans, pay attention to how they intend to lower the financial obligations of the US. You are the product.
Surely there is NO waste there? I constantly have veteran friends wanting me to post that number and tell me those calls may go unanswered? The president has only cared about himself all his life.
One of my clients is a VA contractor. He is a vet. His company worked on suicide and PSTD campaigns. He was DOGED and got half his contracts cancelled. He laid off half his staff. Yesterday the VA reinstated 2. One for $39 million.
The effects roll downward. The entire company is traumatized
When they suffer Trump & Musk's wrath they only have themselves to blame. For they were stupid enough to sell their souls and the rest of their lives to the devil, the orange-faced Hitler.
I have no sympathy for them given their idiotic betrayal...
You guys wanted one party rule and have been working hard since at least Reagan to achieve that. Now you have it all and you're not happy Republicans run everything. So what is it about Trump caused you to abandon your quest of 100% Republican rule in perpetuity?
The threat of job cuts at VA and Veterans Health is impacting almost everyone who works there. How can we tap into their despair to change the outcome?
thanks, it was entirely traumatic, after the panic subsided it just settled into a permanent kafkaesque state - you could have knocked me over with a feather, when, after all these years have passed, I heard a radio ad inviting vets to come in for the very issues I was threatened over, originally.
I am very sorry that you have to live with this new affront, when you waited so long to have your situation recognized and to be offered some relief. Of the many horrors we are witnessing now, abandonment of vets is among the worst. It is wrong, wrong, wrong.
thanks kiddo, you had me at "many horrors" - what a strange devolution it is. Here is my drawing of our local town Mallard ducks, I hope they give you a moment of distraction, the way they do for us
I'm sorry but what is happening in the United States is unbelievable! WHY are ordinary Americans allowing this to happen, it's obvious they are cutting the gov costs so in 6 months give millionaires and billionaires tax cuts! it will be the ordinary citizens that will suffer!
Remember Trump's comment about people carrying cans of soup rather than bricks, a call to arms for every citizen to be carrying a can of soup at all times
Vibes. They're manly men and Trump is obviously the manliest man who ever manned. Because hating people and being angry are the only defining characteristics of being a man.
Veteran suicide rates were already at an all time high. Now it’s going to get exponentially worse. We have to support our veterans and not treat them like trash as the Trump administration does.
No more sterilized instruments at the VA!
“The list of killed contracts includes those covering sterile processing services to decontaminate equipment and medical instruments. “
It’s never been about efficiency. It’s tearing down the US strength, security, economy, health and education for the benefit of the tinpot war criminal and allow the uberrich to pick up assets cheap in a recession.
I work at the VA I tried to warn my coworkers and vets this would happen they all laughed. It’s not funny anymore Trump, Bezos, Zuckerberg and Musk don’t give a flying fuck about anyone they only care about Money and Power. Stand up, fight them with everything you have.
Every day, 70 veterans could be looking to take somebody else’s life who has absolutely no respect for them, the constitution or our country. At some point, you need to rise up and honor your oath.
Many Viet Nam veterans now suffer with Prostate cancer . Donald got a medical excuse because his Daddy bought it for him. What will happen to Prostate cancer care when 80,000 are cut?
And the most unbelievable thing is that they prohibited from talking about their work experiences due to NDA‘s outside of the VA. I had a suicidal veteran in my office once and he could not talk to me. I had to call the VA hotline and get him in with the VA so someone could deal with him..
The US military really has to step back and take stock on how they want to be looked at when the Trump reign of terror is done. Someday they will be Vets and I am sure they want to be treated better than vets are being treated now. Soon they will be asked to use force against Americans who protest.
Breaking America's promises is a full-time job for MAGA. It's clear they are working tirelessly against America's future and destroying the trust in our civilian leadership every day. People who honored their commitments and reported for duty are owed what was promised and no less.
My friend is losing his job at the VA...wondering how he's going to support his family.
Meanwhile, Trump is going to buy a Tesla to support Elon's tanking stock price. Because he's gotta support his billionaire benefactor.
The company I work for has a contract with VA Veteran Suicide Prevention. DOGE cancelled it and the potential impact was significant. Thank the VA for fighting to restore this contract. As a government contractor, I know a lot of people who did not get their contracts restored.
Like they say if you have one Nazi at your dinner table along with 10 others who do not protest you don't have just one Nazi at your dinner table, now you have 11.
The MAGAs I know are saying stupid things like, “We’re in this for the long haul”
It very neatly explains away the current chaos
Veterans supported him…..astonishing.
USA, blow me.
Veterans are our treasure
trump is THE domestic enemy of Our Constitution and must be treated as such.
America's shame and loss of reputation on the world stage is Trump's fault. Make him pay.
So many vets already have shitty care, WHY???
Why is this a thing
Draft dodger!!
The effects roll downward. The entire company is traumatized
When they suffer Trump & Musk's wrath they only have themselves to blame. For they were stupid enough to sell their souls and the rest of their lives to the devil, the orange-faced Hitler.
I have no sympathy for them given their idiotic betrayal...
Even the "military" press is covering it
And 68 Republican Representatives
have the same
(Plus or
Minus 1….my eyes got tired)
Thank you
“The list of killed contracts includes those covering sterile processing services to decontaminate equipment and medical instruments. “
Feel me?
Also, we're going to buy a Tesla.
Just lied to their face to get their vote. Now, he is leaving them alone when they need it the most.
They deserve better.
Meanwhile, Trump is going to buy a Tesla to support Elon's tanking stock price. Because he's gotta support his billionaire benefactor.
America First??