@schumer.senate.gov do not pat us on the head and tell us you know better! You slapped us across the face with your back room betrayal. You owe us all an explanation for selling out our democracy!!!!
I get it a shutdown would cause some chaos and possibly pain. How’s that different from what’s currently being orchestrated? At least a shutdown is temporary and wouldn’t give the destroyers more power to destroy. Convention is beyond its sale by date, act, act now!!
"Donald Trump will abuse his power if the government is shut down" - Schumer
WTF do you think he's doing right now?
And senate Dems are just going to roll over and go along?
Chuck, this is SA, not a prostate exam!
History will remember Schumer as a traitor, a coward who not only did nothing to stop Trump Musk and republicans destroying your country but even worse : for refusing to do the right thing when he had the opportunity! shame😔
Chuck? "We're going to fight them every step of the way."
Tell the#Republicans that they can easily avoid a shutdown by bringing forth a CLEAN CR that ONLY extends the date, without bundling in legislated powers to move the purse strings from Congress to the executive branch. You'll pass a clean CR.
Schumer is not going to look. He doesn’t care or want to know. He admitted tonight he knew people would be upset. Upset?!! Doesn’t begin to describe my feelings right now.
Chucky is a phony, a poseur, and has been all along. There he was outside with the USAID demonstrators, working class jacket on, raising his fists in the air like he was one of them. Ludicrous. Replace him with a competent Democrat.
before he can do more damage
he saw this coming and did nothing to alter the course of the spending bill - just played along
BECAUSE: ISRAEL.... and GOP/Trump support and funding
Sacrifice the Democratic Party for prioritization of support for Israel
I am curious about a possible invisible "alliance": Netanyahu/Israel-Putin/Russia-SchumerUSA-Zelensky/Ukraine. Israel always want to not do anything to anger Russia, i.e. support continuation of Russian bases in Syria to offset Turkey's presence and influence; foisted Trump on us for $$$ mil aid.
Chuck Schumer is to weak and afraid that the Republicans are gonna blame the Democrats. Well, guess what if the Democrats don’t start fighting back, there will be no more democracy and there will be no more Democrats. Someone needs to wake up the party.
If your computer has a virus that is destroying it from the inside, you shut it down immediately and reboot in a safe mode to fix it. You don't let it continue to run in the flawed configuration.
Enough is Enough!!!!! Shut it Down or don’t expect us to
continuously come out and vote for Democrats who want fight for the voters who elect them in offices. Only for them to collect checks or insider trading tips and sell us out to the lobbyists for money to get rich or richer once elected.😡😡😡😡
Resist Bot!! Message your Senator and House Representative. You can customize a message or use a premade, super easy.
Vote NO on cloture for the continuing resolution - it's the only tool the minority has that works! No cloture = no vote on the floor. https://resist.bot/petitions/PCKDHY
Schumer and other Democrats are part of a Controlled Opposition that give the illusion of an opposition. They function as a mole, acting with the government in power.
They don't have any sense of loyalty to the people or real opposition to the ruling power. They are self-servers who get bribes...
@WhatTheFuckChuck @democrats.org @schumer.senate.gov @durbin.senate.gov Vote YES and you'll screw the pooch....and cut off all future fundraising money for Dem candidates. Fine handiwork there Chuck!
Durbin - start whipping for the right thing. Do what's right for the nation, not your war chest
Schumer is right. We cannot give up total power to the executive branch with a government shut down. We need federal courts open and all of our resources to oppose the dictator.
This works on so many levels. The reason Senator McClellan is "leading" this shit is because we don't have a Lincoln to fire his useless ass. Time for AOC to primary him. At least she's shooting in the right direction.
Many of those who acquiesced are from districts that voted for Trump.They are the ones who need to understand their decisions more.It would be temporary,but the message of destruction brought by Trump would endure.Not standing up, doing the right& brave thing is a big part of what has gotten us here
@schumer.senate.gov loves his wealth and proximity to power more than he cares about the New Yorkers and Democrats nationwide he purports to represent.
I guess that's what happens when we allow our legislators to get more and more divorced from the average American's daily life
Vote is in the afternoon. Blast him early. Stakes are high we get it, but Trump said he has a mandate. Only a clean CR Chuck.
Do not be a coward. Do the hard thing.
I'm gonna need all democrats to call chuck's office and raise hell! I don't care if you're not from New York. You can call anywhere from around the country, if you're a democrat and tell him to grow a fucking backbone!!
I think you’ve got this exactly wrong! I think you’ve forgotten that Trumpkin already has all the power given to him by the Supreme Court. Shutting down the Gov will keep only necessary workers allowing Musk to validate those workers weren’t needed while hurting Gov workers not getting paid!
Not possible for the traitors to pull off without a workforce.
Think about what you're saying. We've been shut down before.
Everything ground to a halt pal.
Critical functions remain open during a shutdown. The difference between previous shutdowns and this potential 1 is that’s exactly what Trumpkin wants. With absolute immunity & no guardrails, he will let Dems take the blame @ when they come back to the bargaining table, he will ask for so much more!
Then there's those
Of us on SS!!
The checks are s'posed to go out during govt shutdowns BUT
Ya know butt buddy #1 & the idiot will Stop That!!
Lincoln Project
Plus shutdown gives
The Idiot
Stupid idea!
🖕🏽Rick Wilson
And LP!
You once cared
About This Country!
Those Dem presidents hadn't ripped apart various depts of gov't the way butt buddy #1 & the idiot have already done! NO ONE will be around 'cept the idiot's peeps & we're battling that right now!
Shutdown and we're screwed! 🤬
NOT Done Yet!!
Checks are still going out Right Now!!
AND they're s'posed to continue during a shutdown!!
Till Now!
Butt Buddy #1 will have hard time stopping those cks if govt stays open!
Me Too!
Voted For Hillary in 2016
& Kamala in 2024!!
I know good leaders!
We had too many pasty white males afraid of female leaders!!
Sick of
This FU Male World!
Too Much Testerone!
No one has answered this for me & I’ve been too overwhelmed to research. If someone has the answer, I’d appreciate it.
Why do the House Repugs get to label this bill a CR when it clearly changes so much? Funding levels, programs, resources, etc. It’s a completely diff budget, which requires 2/3 vote
If CRs were introduced as stopgap measure, r there defined guardrails?
It seems absurd to call it a CR when everything is different.
Also, what happened to the 30 day clean cr from Wed? If avoiding govt shutdown was the primary goal, y ignore that option?
I feel like I’m missing needed info.
They said it would give 🍊 🤡 the go ahead to 🍒 pick parts of the gov’t to stay shut down. They’re going to do all of that anyway. Have been doing it. Don’t legitimize and legalize it for him!
Schumer is right. We cannot give up total power to the executive branch with a government shut down. We need federal courts open and all of our resources to oppose the dictator.
Disagree. If they go along with this bad GOP bill, they win. Shutting it all down slows down the muskrats. Voting for it gives it the mantle of bipartisanship, and when it goes bad, and it will, the GOP will blame Dems! It's just authorizing what they are going to do anyway. #shutItDown
Our recourse is to force them to shut down the government because nobody wants to do that. They don't want to do it. It's political suicide! They know it, and they also know they can't get the blame to stick to democrats because dems aren't in charge.
Schumer says executive branch takes charge which would be suicide. I have also read elsewhere that Congress still needs to pass a funding bill and trump cannot reopen unilaterally.
Rick, your group should take a page from Trump and Elons' play book and threaten to primary weak link senators and congress members who refuse to reign in Trump. You don't need to threaten the whole lot, just enough to loose the majority in the house, and weaken them in the senate Murkowski Collins
Schumer did a great ,"no on cloture" speech yesterday. Now this ! He was either bought or received threats. I see no other explanation for such a Linda Blair head spin.
It’s not like that. Schumer is right. We cannot give up total power to the executive branch with a government shut down. We need federal courts open and all of our resources to oppose the dictator.
After this and the sheer lack of fight since election day, let alone after that fascist fuck got back in the White House, I don't see how democrats ever get majorities in the House or the Senate ever again... even if the elections are actually free and fair. Starting to feel like a dead man walking.
On FIRE Rick
Could not agree with you more
Chris Hayes said it perfectly in my opinion
NO!! We still need the Courts to stay open so we can continue getting the HUGE Court judgments (WINS!) restoring the jobs for all the federal workers illegally fired by DOGE!
Would have been helpful if he addressed any of Schumer's points in the MSNBC interview. Like trump being given martial law like powers during the shutdown while trump would be the one who decided if and when it ended.
America needs a person who takes matters to the People with daily reports of how MAGA EXTREMISTS and especially Trump-Musk-Vance hate Americans and are trying to "accumulate more money and power" at the expense of "we the People"!
I cannot understand why Schumer is allowing MAGA EXTREMISTS to continue to make the Congress bow down to the "king" at the expense of "we the People"! The Constitution provides "three co-equal branches"! The "king's" Budget hurts "we the People"!!
I’m with you on this!! Just sent Chucky a message to not give the thug and chief a win on this CR! It’s a false premise to say he’ll do more damage if we shut it down. Can’t do more than he’s doing now! Shut it down already!!!
Schumer kept saying Trump really wants a shutdown, but Hayes should've asked him if Trump wants a gov shutdown so bad then why doesn't he veto the bill? obviously Trump doesn't want it because last time he did he caved. So Schumer will give him everything to prevent him from taking everything.
Make that make sense.
most charitable thing I can think is Schumer wants Trump to burn down country and not have Dem fingerprints anywhere so Dems can inherit the ashes.
this is reprehensible, too many lives are at stake. fight now or get out of the way
@schumer.senate.gov Dude what in the literal hell are you doing? Resign ASAP for the good of the Democratic Party. You are capitulating to Musky and FOTUS.
Wtf!! Beyond time to RETIRE!!!! Today. Go away Schumer- forever!! Unreal - he must have done weird stuff to be this this blackmailed - really weird stuff. Scumbag
Schumer is right. We cannot give up total power to the executive branch with a government shut down. We need federal courts open and all of our resources to oppose the dictator.
Democrats are not spineless they just don't believe in anything. The same goes for Republicans No war but class war. Fight only for your class and your comrades. It took 30 years for lenin to succeed in removing the czars and the oligarchy. We can't survive with capitalism
We all just spent weeks complaining about Federal workers getting fired --- until throwing them under the bus became the politically correct thing to do and now you all want to throw them under them bus.
They shut down I'm coming to live at your house!
YES, they're s'posed to continue sending
Do you really think the Idiot & Butt Buddy#1 will allow THAT!?
You idiots want a
civil war?
Not the idiot!
They’re ALREADY effing with OUR social security, Medicare, Medicaid, Dept. of Ed., nat’l parks, etc. Voting yes hands over the keys to them to continue. You can stay w/me but I lost my job last fall, so there’s not a lot here. I don’t want war, just my reps to stand up for democracy. Have a nice day
Ladies and Gentlemen, I have a nomination for “post of the night “ !!Bravo, I salute you 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👍🏾 ( TRUTH / very important 💩/ Inspirational + democracy is at stake, grow a f&cking pair, would you ??!! categories) * you can and WILL be held accountable categories)
Vote NO. @whitehouse.senate.gov @kaine.senate.gov @baldwin.senate.gov @reed.senate.gov @warnock.senate.gov @schatz.bsky.social @hirono.senate.gov @duckworth.senate.gov @kirstengillibrand.bsky.social Your duty is to stand shoulder to shoulder with us. Call 202-224-3121. Tell these senators; vote NO
I think Trumps entire term so far clearly shows that American presidents have far too much power. Especially when their party controls congress and fold as republicans have. This needs to be looked at in the future.
I could see the fire coming out of his mouth. Like a friggin dragon!🐉 Go light a fire underneath Schumer‘s ass because it’s time to fight like hell or get out of the way! 💙🇺🇸💪🏽💪🏼
Totally flabbergasted… Democrats would fucking cave like this because they want to avoid a shut down … trunk would own a shut down in a fucking heartbeat if it suited him.
A yes vote on the CR from the house will embolden TRUMP/MUSK/PUTIN and cement their hold over congress. Capitulation is never the answer to a dictator. This very well maybe the only chance to make a stand, while they are still weak. A YES will only strengthen them and weaken congress.
No, unfortunately, Schumer is right. We cannot give up total power to the executive branch with a government shut down. We need federal courts open and all of our resources to oppose the dictator.
Schumer said if the government gets shut down, ALL authority to decide who is essential or not gets vested exclusively in the Executive, with no legal challenge/review possible. The courts could be shut down as well. And the Executive branch could decide not to end the shutdown. That's bad.
I just want to know one thing: what is it that Dems are afraid of, re Trump and Musk, if the gov shuts down?
Is there any way that a shutdown benefits Musk's attempts to gut the gov? I've seen that, but no specifics. Can anyone clarify the actual pros and cons of the CR re the internal coup?
I agree they are going to shut it down anyway! One way it shuts down and we fight the other Dems hand it to them, easy peasy! Which looks better for Dems? Use it as strategy, when Republican oligarchs see Wall Street crashing, they will scream for Trump to open it back up!
All those who vote yes are traitors and must be held accountable. @chuckschumer.com we are watching and are depending on you to stand up for democracy.
Please, please, please EVERYONE watch this!!! Schumer is officially a gigantic, lead weight piece of crap!
He does not deserve to represent the Democratics any longer. He is now a member of the #WussyParty and he needs to step aside.
Bernie Sanders: "If you do nothing, you sit back and say, 'it's gonna be terrible.' And that's right. A shutdown will be terrible. But our job is to put the onus on the Republican president, the Republican House, the Republican Senate, the people who control the govt"
Honest questions: 1) How will putting the onus on a sociopathic president make him act in a non-sociopathic way? 2) How does a shutdown make any of the problems Senator Slotkin raises go away?
The media's attention will pivot towards Trump/Musk.
It's the Republicans outside those two who will cop the wrath of Americans, more Maga's are realising this is not what they voted for. The more they protest this from their base the more chance some Republicans will cross the floor?
My concern is the media's attention is already focused on Trump/Musk. And although the majority of Americans disapprove of what T/M are doing, the majority of Repubs approve. So I don't see GOP cowards in Congress changing one bit. They're sellouts. Spkr Johnson will simply lie and lie and lie...
TRYING! How do you solve a problem like Chuck Schumer???? How do you catch a coward and pin him down? Many a thing you ought to tell Chuck Schumer. But how do you make him stay and vote in a rational way? How do you solve a problem like Chuck Schumer? How do you hold a moonbeam in your hand?
If you vote for this CR Senator Schumer then you are a God damned traitor!! I am absolutely DISGUSTED with the weakness of some Democrats that stand in front of their podiums declaring their
Fight for Democracy and then pull this shit!!
Right on Rick Wilson! 🔥🔥The Demos are living in the past, I’m ashamed to say. They need to realize that these are not normal times. They need to step up to reality… 🤦♀️🔥💙
Threats of shutdown are erroneous considering the Repubs have been shutting the gov down for weeks with all their mass firings and closures. The Dems need to shut it all down leaving the Repubs to deal with the aftermath and all the self-inflected wounds they will create for themselves.
So, you agree with Schumer’s spineless surrender? People who continue to wage war on the “Never Trumpers” are becoming increasingly responsible for “how we got here - part 2”. Just stop.
Looks like these are now the Senators to call
Hassan (202) 224-3324
Peters (202) 224-6221
Schatz (202) 224-3934
King (202) 224-5344
Shaheen (202) 224-2841
Klobuchar (202) 224-3244
Rosen (202) 224-6244
Hirono (202) 224-6361
I totally agree shut it down and let the the republicans own the entire calamity that happens to America; as they should for not holding their oath to the constitution of United States!
Schumer is right. We cannot give up total power to the executive branch with a government shut down. We need federal courts open and all of our resources to oppose the dictator.
He needs to RESIGN! Here is his contact information. I tried to call is DC office this evening but received a recording saying to call during office hours. https://www.schumer.senate.gov/contact
Sure Jan...you're all ex-Rethugs & your party has been morally bankrupt, corrupt, & authoritarian for 40 years B4 Orange came to power. It's a little hard to take advice from Wilson or the rest of ya.....
Call 202-224-6542
That being said, you are 100% right on all points. Schumer is past his sell date. Weak as water.
WTF do you think he's doing right now?
And senate Dems are just going to roll over and go along?
Chuck, this is SA, not a prostate exam!
RESIGN immediately
IT. IS. TRUE!! No balls, and Democrats won't have a country anymore!
They are con men and full of shit.
They won't touch SS/Medicare and are afraid to cut Medicaid because of all the Red States that use it.
Trump is losing in court and new complaint filed against Musk. Johnson would figure it out.
Tell the#Republicans that they can easily avoid a shutdown by bringing forth a CLEAN CR that ONLY extends the date, without bundling in legislated powers to move the purse strings from Congress to the executive branch. You'll pass a clean CR.
before he can do more damage
he saw this coming and did nothing to alter the course of the spending bill - just played along
BECAUSE: ISRAEL.... and GOP/Trump support and funding
Sacrifice the Democratic Party for prioritization of support for Israel
Raúl Grijalva (AZ 7th district) died today
If your computer has a virus that is destroying it from the inside, you shut it down immediately and reboot in a safe mode to fix it. You don't let it continue to run in the flawed configuration.
continuously come out and vote for Democrats who want fight for the voters who elect them in offices. Only for them to collect checks or insider trading tips and sell us out to the lobbyists for money to get rich or richer once elected.😡😡😡😡
Vote NO on cloture for the continuing resolution - it's the only tool the minority has that works! No cloture = no vote on the floor. https://resist.bot/petitions/PCKDHY
Is he hitting the ketamine along with Trump and Musk?
Put the asshats on record. Don't make it easy or legal. FFS.
They don't have any sense of loyalty to the people or real opposition to the ruling power. They are self-servers who get bribes...
Durbin - start whipping for the right thing. Do what's right for the nation, not your war chest
Everyone telling you they are voting against the CR are telling you they will not stop the vote and they will let the R majority win.
This works on so many levels. The reason Senator McClellan is "leading" this shit is because we don't have a Lincoln to fire his useless ass. Time for AOC to primary him. At least she's shooting in the right direction.
I guess that's what happens when we allow our legislators to get more and more divorced from the average American's daily life
Do not be a coward. Do the hard thing.
Democrats can't even come together to hold Republicans responsible and play hardball
Think about what you're saying. We've been shut down before.
Everything ground to a halt pal.
Of us on SS!!
The checks are s'posed to go out during govt shutdowns BUT
Ya know butt buddy #1 & the idiot will Stop That!!
Lincoln Project
Plus shutdown gives
The Idiot
Stupid idea!
🖕🏽Rick Wilson
And LP!
You once cared
About This Country!
Did it give any Dem president more power when the traitors shut down the federal government on them?
Shutdown and we're screwed! 🤬
Checks are still going out Right Now!!
AND they're s'posed to continue during a shutdown!!
Till Now!
Butt Buddy #1 will have hard time stopping those cks if govt stays open!
Voted For Hillary in 2016
& Kamala in 2024!!
I know good leaders!
We had too many pasty white males afraid of female leaders!!
Sick of
This FU Male World!
Too Much Testerone!
Why do the House Repugs get to label this bill a CR when it clearly changes so much? Funding levels, programs, resources, etc. It’s a completely diff budget, which requires 2/3 vote
It seems absurd to call it a CR when everything is different.
Also, what happened to the 30 day clean cr from Wed? If avoiding govt shutdown was the primary goal, y ignore that option?
I feel like I’m missing needed info.
We did NOT vote for a Congress to sacrifice OUR rights for their PERSONAL gains.
Maybe you mean punish Schumer and the Dems for caving?
Schumer is selling out Dems to the fascists, and we cannot imagine why!
Could not agree with you more
Chris Hayes said it perfectly in my opinion
A simple message from dems when the government shuts down.
Republicans won’t negotiate.
We want the government open and working.
The republicans want it destroyed along with Medicare and social security.
What other explanation can there be?
most charitable thing I can think is Schumer wants Trump to burn down country and not have Dem fingerprints anywhere so Dems can inherit the ashes.
this is reprehensible, too many lives are at stake. fight now or get out of the way
Democrats are not spineless they just don't believe in anything. The same goes for Republicans No war but class war. Fight only for your class and your comrades. It took 30 years for lenin to succeed in removing the czars and the oligarchy. We can't survive with capitalism
They shut down I'm coming to live at your house!
YES, they're s'posed to continue sending
Do you really think the Idiot & Butt Buddy#1 will allow THAT!?
You idiots want a
civil war?
Not the idiot!
Stupid is As
Stupid Does!
still playing the game that the maga pissed on years ago
chuck chuck out
Having said that. Don't stop!
But the rest of are, and we won't be silent.
#SEXOFFENDER #CONVICT #Trump and #MAGAGOP, Had Already Planned To, "Impound Funds", From The CR As Written!
ALL #Democratic Senators NOW KNOW This Was Always The Plan!
STOP WITH THE, "High Horse On The High Road"!
Is there any way that a shutdown benefits Musk's attempts to gut the gov? I've seen that, but no specifics. Can anyone clarify the actual pros and cons of the CR re the internal coup?
Either vote NO on cloture (ie filibuster) or fuck off.
He does not deserve to represent the Democratics any longer. He is now a member of the #WussyParty and he needs to step aside.
mike_lynch [at] schumer [dot] senate [dot] gov
meghan_taira [at] schumer [dot] senate [dot] gov
It's the Republicans outside those two who will cop the wrath of Americans, more Maga's are realising this is not what they voted for. The more they protest this from their base the more chance some Republicans will cross the floor?
If you vote for this CR Senator Schumer then you are a God damned traitor!! I am absolutely DISGUSTED with the weakness of some Democrats that stand in front of their podiums declaring their
Fight for Democracy and then pull this shit!!
Chuck Schumer must resign! He is a failure and an embarrassment!
Reminder you posted,
“An unelected shadow government is conducting a hostile takeover of the federal government.”
Stop Complying with Terrorists
Hassan (202) 224-3324
Peters (202) 224-6221
Schatz (202) 224-3934
King (202) 224-5344
Shaheen (202) 224-2841
Klobuchar (202) 224-3244
Rosen (202) 224-6244
Hirono (202) 224-6361
Chuck, move aside. I’m tired of lip service.
TM that term! Brilliant!
Is it just a randomize mistake?
It seems too FKKKING stupid to be a random mistake!
VOTE NO on Cloture!
#bluecrew #voteblue