Trump/Musk/Vance/MAGA Rs have already blown up all that is good about our Nation - FOR THE SAKE OF ALL THAT IS GOOD IN HEAVEN AND THE AMERICAN PEOPLE - STAND UP & FIGHT FOR THE GOOD THAT REMAINS!
If we fail, at least we will know we were willing to march into Hell for a Heavenly Cause!
The longer trump continues demolishing the government, the longer it's going to take to get it back. We aren't taking it back with voices, votes and social media posts. #justsayin
Is anyone going to cover the Veterans March on DC today at noon? I hope so! Mainstream media needs to cover the protests. STAND UP WITH US AND RESIST TYRANNY!
Okay. But we all knew this from his first term, yeah? There should be zero shock or surprise. He's doing exactly as he said he would, only more effectively this time around.
This is what voters wanted, I guess? The ones that voted for him, plus the ones that abstained from voting?
Please and and any other Dems voting Yes today for cloture and cr. Please, I'm begging you to vote NO! Stand up and fight! I'm disgusted with these so-called leaders. Vote NO
They had courage and had courage then to do what they needed to do to save their country! The USA needs to do the previously unimaginable to end the unimaginable EVIL that the USA has been invaded by.
The only way america will change what is currently taking place is to full on revolt. Hate to say this but violence may be your only out this fucking mess.
Current news/history and inaction on the part of legislators and individuals show that his expectation are, and continue to be met over and over and over no matter what rhetoric is out there so... why would they ever even consider slowing down or changing.
Good video. As a 🇨🇦 I wish all the best in this struggle for your freedom. When your President tries to make it illegal to express your opinion, or tells you what kind of car you need to buy, you know that there traitors in the WH. Keep your elbows up & your gloves loose.
i really do puke sometimes when i see his face or hear his voice. No joking...(I Am) severely affected by his constant negative everything. That evil thing does evil even when and if it ever sleeps.
fill up the gas stations with protesters, don't pay your mortgages and rents, CANCEL BANK ACCOUNTS, boycott all walmart, mcdonalds, wendys , homedepots, cancel accounts and blame trump/musk and maga representatives on paper formal complaints. TP judges homes, egg their cars! make trouble!
Incredible to see what’s going on with your country… Dictatoship on is way… and from Canada, the only one who speaks very loud is an « old man » of 83 years old ( with the energy of 45!)
Respect M. Sanders ! 💪
And the other? Scared? Might not have mid-term vote … WAKE UP
It has already has. Republicans will blame the Democrats either way. Let let them make fools and demons of themselves.
Evoke the 25th
Move on a 3rd impeachment.
History is now.
trump symptom, like any infection, if not taken care of will only get worse. Once gone, we can avoid what started the infection because now we have experience with it.
All options lead to a result (good/bad), fail fast. This is a coup, what is Schumer doing helping him? The people know Trump already does what he wants. The faster this economy fails, the sooner Trump is gone. Slow roasting the US, hurts more. Failing fast minimizes time and effort. Vote NO.
That's what I say. I'm mad about what happened in the Senate today but that just made me even more resolved to resist Felon 47's fascist agenda. Let's GOOO!
Meanwhile the orange turd continues the chaos and destruction at his will. Saying fuck that and fuck him is about as effective as pissing into the wind. Action not words are required to stop this crazy MFer.
I hope this bastard dies today! That is what I hope for every morning I get up. He needs to be put down like the mad, rabid dog that he is. If only the Mexican cartel (or any cartel for that matter) would whack him. It would be a blessing. Dear Lord please help us and take this bastard to hell.
Steamrolled by a tacky, cheap reality TV show host at that. A guy who’s never going to be accepted or respected by the “elite” groups he craves, so he’s going to burn it all down.
And Fuck the Federalist Society and Leonard Leo too
In fact fuck them backwards through a hedge twice 🌵
Look no further than the Leonard Leo cabal of alt right a holes for the cause of the destruction in our nation.
Call them the hell out!
I'm done!
I can't fight republikkklans if corporate DEMOCRATS are going to help them! Schumer, etc enjoy your fascist state bc democrats will not get another vote from me ever! Let dotard burn it all down. I'm done punching myself in the face voting for pansy Dems who only wanna jerk each other off!
Might be time to turn that shit up to 11 than cause to quote trump "if you don't fight NOW your not gonna have a country anymore" now that just reality now. Don't fuck up. Love🇨🇦
It’s time for a party break. There is no more GOP. There is only MAGA. Today of all days is the time to prove that true. wants to cave and give up the republic. Now is the time to unite against dictators and tyrants. Leave the party, save the republic.
Sure is that slop is good. He’s gonna turn this country around you’re just pissed that your party couldn’t do it They were more worried about prosecuting Trump and making him a martyr which actually got him elected.
One day autopsy results will reveal that Republicans have been fearing and following someone with a serious neurological disease. Invoking the 25th amendment would go a long way to saving the world.
Treasonous Trump is a cult leader. Vance and Johnson are not and do not evoke the same blind loyalty. Project 2025 is much more likely to crumble without Orange Jesus.
WTO agreements are being torn up by DJT.
Your country voted for the Sexual predator, conman, criminal, #34 Felon Fellow.
I am from a different country & I knew how bad he was before the election!
Thus proving you & your citizens voted for the scorpion on your back.
Now he is killing US(uckers).
At this point..I Welcome the MAGA crowd. At least they had courage to act and do the unimagined (by Democrats.) Their mission was misguided by lies but THE MISSION is REAL now, based on FACTS and real possibility of LOSING EVERYTHING because of trump.
I heard Senator Schumer say if the government shuts down that takes the courts out of play. Why would the Democrats want to shutdown the government when the courts so far have been the only recourse against what Trump and Musk are doing
For some reason Senate Dems are happy to step aside and let the orange turd roll in destroying everything that has been built in the country. Democracy dies not in the dark but in the light when those who say they protect it do nothing when they should. Time to replace Chuck.
Trump makes a big deal about our debt when he didn't pay his debt 6 times. If someone suddenly told you to stop spending until you got your mortgage or your business debt paid off, you would call them crazy. As long as Yellen isn't worried about our debt, neither should we.
What surprise me is how easy for him to recruit military MAGA people and us, as non-MAGA, I don’t see or hear that we are organizing a militia to reconquer your government
Why everything I read is about waiting 4y ?
Did he wait ?
34 felonies and he became a fake president
Why ?
I hope you understand the sinister forces that are using donald and MAGA and the GOP and the religious right to achieve their bizarre world (and being) domination goals.
Chuck Schumer Must Go. Trump is purging officials, gutting democracy, and consolidating power. Musk is rewriting the rules. And Schumer? He's giving speeches-while democracy burns. We need a fighter. Not a bystander. Read why Democrats must replace him NOW!
When are the Democrats in D.C. going to start fighting back? It looks like the Senate Democrats are going to fold and pass the CR under the weak leadership of Chuck Schumer. It’s time for him to go.
If we fail, at least we will know we were willing to march into Hell for a Heavenly Cause!
Make your voices heard, mass rally! Fight!
they gave up long time ago
Too busy behind a keyboard trying to come up with the best meme of the day..
No more protests, no more civil unrest...
Just like a bunch of cattle heading to the slaughterhouse
This is what voters wanted, I guess? The ones that voted for him, plus the ones that abstained from voting?
I smell a new slogan for the resistance
His word is NOT bond.
THIS is the gloves off energy so desperately needed.
Righteous outrage. Hold NOTHING in reserve to meet this moment head-on!
Please keep bringing it, Lincoln Project. Excellent, powerful, and deeply necessary work. Thank you !! 🙏
Fuck Trump!
"If you vote for this Republican Funding Bill, you are complicit in all that DOGE, President Elon, and Trump does." Maxwell Frost
Get the 5CALLS app for easy access to your reps and senators!
Visit and
Please join today!!
WHY DON’T THEY ALL UNDERSTAND THIS?? Playing “nice and normal” gets no results-history has proven that
Darien Gap crossings:
February 2024- 37,166
February 2025- 408
ICE arrests in first 50 days: 32,809
Turns out all we needed was a new president!
Stop Trump's Shit Show Now!
Respect M. Sanders ! 💪
And the other? Scared? Might not have mid-term vote … WAKE UP
It has already has. Republicans will blame the Democrats either way. Let let them make fools and demons of themselves.
Evoke the 25th
Move on a 3rd impeachment.
History is now.
This ain't news, but it doesn't hurt to point this out.
In fact fuck them backwards through a hedge twice 🌵
Look no further than the Leonard Leo cabal of alt right a holes for the cause of the destruction in our nation.
Call them the hell out!
I can't fight republikkklans if corporate DEMOCRATS are going to help them! Schumer, etc enjoy your fascist state bc democrats will not get another vote from me ever! Let dotard burn it all down. I'm done punching myself in the face voting for pansy Dems who only wanna jerk each other off!
sign if you can n pass it on
He’s fulfilling all the campaign promises that Americans voted for. 🇺🇸
No-one can truly want what this evil maniac is clearly leading us to.
Only fear keeps those capable docile.
Your country voted for the Sexual predator, conman, criminal, #34 Felon Fellow.
I am from a different country & I knew how bad he was before the election!
Thus proving you & your citizens voted for the scorpion on your back.
Now he is killing US(uckers).
What surprise me is how easy for him to recruit military MAGA people and us, as non-MAGA, I don’t see or hear that we are organizing a militia to reconquer your government
Why everything I read is about waiting 4y ?
Did he wait ?
34 felonies and he became a fake president
Why ?
They made promises, they took oaths so where are they now that America and Democracy needs them the most!!!
We’ve Discovered that Our Machine is Irreparably Damaged. Non Functioning.
You May Wish to Replace i.,
NO cloture, NO CR, & REMOVE Schumer as Leader NOW!