America has always been a bastion of freedom, holding the line against tyranny at home and abroad. No longer. Trump has placed us on the other side of that wall.
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I see another website has caved in to Trumpism. I used to frequent a website on a daily basis but now they're promoting "DOGE" t-shirts and running ads demanding Biden be investigated. More and more websites are changing their standards to meet Trumps demands. Kiss Trump's butt to stay on the net.
Why aren't you all protesting against the murder of your country and constitution...not only Democrats, but everyone one of you who believes in the idea of your country...cause it's almost too late at this point in time.
We will never move beyond this unless we can confront the reality of our current situation and our problematic history. Pretending we used to be the good guys and now we are not just because of Trump is putting blinders on and ignoring the deeper issues plaguing the US.
Taking accountability is hard but that’s what it takes to move forward and do better. Trump is the ultimate example of the harms of avoiding accountability, but the Dems have the same problem just on a less impressive scale.
Just as culty? I have never seen a rally with thousands of people wearing Obama hats and waving giant Obama flags, same for every previous president in my lifetime. Nothing in US politics compares to the MAGA cult.
I agree. I think the left is more critical of our leadership than anything. I’ve never read or heard anyone say that Biden or Obama was perfect or that they agreed with every thing they’ve done. And like you said, no one is out here wearing Obama or Biden merch and holding worship rallies.
Exactly. Obama was relatively ok domestically (he tried to move the needle, at least) but he was 😬 on foreign policy, often.
I think he's one of the better US presidents, but it's a low bar!!
Hey, where are all the “Don’t Tread on Me” people? Or the Oath Keepers or the 3% ers? Now we’re in a Dictatorship. Aren’t you supposed to be the militia defending Freedom?
Not entirely true. For a large part of its history, the USA has stood for propping up right wing, military regimes to defend the corporate interests of the USA. But, it has had a somewhat functioning democratic regime at home. not anymore. it's fascism in the USA now.
CONVICT, again!
INNOCENT men seeking asylum sent to CECOT.
trump hands illegal life sentence
to keep them housed in the NEW AUSHWITZ!!!
They do NOT kill them there.
They are kept until they die,
courtesy of trump's perverted use of USA $$$.
Yep, the free world just got a lot smaller and the axis of evil a lot bigger. As a European I hope Canada, Europe and Australia/New Zealand can hold the new line against tyranny.
Trump threatens the seizure and deportation of American citizens for exercising their right to free speech and assembly. He ignores judicial rulings and threatens judges who rule against him.
Thank you for continuing the fight for freedom for us all. This is a very very good ad. This is effective, across the country, esp in redneck districts who are in the cult.
These videos need to be prime time. The only people that see these on you tube or Bluesky are ones that already agree. Start flooding the zone with counter messages. I’ve seen two Trump commercials on prime time so he is already ahead with messaging to those not in NEVER TRUMP echo chambers.
And…what can be done to end this madness? It’s all his doing and this new Nazi facist world order that put him there. They do not represent who or what America is. They are traitors to the country and her allies. 😢
While I support your project. I think you should stop fooling yourselves that the US is a bastion of freedom. Anyone who needs over 750 military bases in other countries has an odd view of what freedom is. Perhaps the millions of people who have suffered under US militarism think differently. GAZA.
The Haskell Library- a building that straddles the US-Canadian border. A symbol of cooperation and friendship since 1904, is now the latest casualty in Trump's insane attacks on his closest neighbor. Canadian Access from Canada without going through an official US customs crossing will be closed.
Link to the Haskell Free Library's explanation about the situation and to their emergency GoFundMe to build a Canadian Entrance. Fellow USA folks, let's get this funded as quick as possible.
“l believe if they set aside their law as and when they wish, their law no longer has rightful authority over us. All they have over us then is tyranny. And l will not live under that yoke”
Dear all independent media outlets, you have got to find a way to reach the mainstream masses. My dad, 76 in a red state, is not a trumper. Thinks he’s an idiot. Even he has fallen for the SS fraud myth. We must get the truth to the legacy media audience.
Have they though? There are a number of countries who might disagree. Authoritarianism has lurked in the background of American politics for a long time. Trump's difference is he seems to prefer attacking his allies and isn't pretending anymore. Trump is the shadow side of America that he's exposing
Maybe we should let him have his wall. We can just "wall him off" put him in a zoo. Watch him fling his crap like a monkey! I would pay to see that! All proceeds go to all the people he has fucked over!
Can we get a video about Republican congressmanAndrew Garbarino, who refuses to stand up to the orange turd and it’s too afraid to hold an in person Townhall? PS I just love how if I say orange turd the whole world knows who I’m talking about 😂😂
I grieve for Ukraine, who now have no strong advocate in this country.
I ache for this country that is morphing into an autocracy in front of our eyes.
I ache for the people who did not choose this, but also for those who did, blindly following not only a malignant leader but their own malignancy.
This is true, too bad
everyone's letting this maniac run roughshod over the country. He can be stopped - no one wants to or is scared too.
When were the US against tyranny???
You are always on war against something or someone, you supported dictators...
Your democracy has always been weak too
Your imperialism has always been a threat to the whole world
I went back and read the Declaration of Independence. Although I've never heard it used as a point of law, it seems to carry a lot more weight than the current "Make it up as you go along" president.
In it, it says,
"whenever any Form of
Government becomes destructive of these ends (i.e., "Life Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness"), it is the Right of the People to alter or to
abolish it, and to institute new Government,
laying its foundation on such principles and
organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and
And the SCOTUS separated the Bill of Rights from the Constitution, so they can argue the BoR is a fetish of history, instead of a document capturing the Will and Intent of the Founders. Raise the BoR as the proper operating document of the times.
#Stop🍊 #Stop🤑
In "The Plot to Betray America," Nance argues that President Trump&team have committed treason by betraying the oath of office for personal gain. Analysis from intelligence experts, and evidence of Trump's financial ties to Russia.
Once you realize how false this statement is, you get to the root of the issue. This is a post-Civil War reaction, based in white supremacy. This current episode is entirely in keeping w/ US History.
The problem is that as long as dumbasses that voted for people like him and are fine with the things he does continue to exists we won't have any progress or integrity as a country.
Americans need to wake up to the fact that their federal government is now a Putin-supporting, protector of only Trump supporting techno-nazi/Christian Nationalist/alt-right billionaires & minions. Everyone else is not only on their own, but may be targets for Trump retribution.
When other countries are issuing travel warnings against coming here (for more than our poor health care) it is a definite sign we are on the wrong side of freedom and democracy.
Flush the golden toilet.
The cheeturd is gettin rank.
Obviously some people never grew up knowing that that stuff meant to be left across the back 40 and plowed into the ground so that the only good it can do is fertilize a future once it’s forgotten.
Even if the resistence were doomed to failure
even if collaboration were the only way to survive
you have no right as an American to follow that path.
Better that America die than live in mortal sin.
Accepting collaboration with Trump is a mortal sin.
Musk🆘Trump jugend School
Musk🆘Trump Judges
Musk🆘Trump Olympic game
Musk 🆘Trump army
Musk🆘Trump police
Musk🆘Trump bank
Musk🆘Trump Hollywood
Musk🆘Trump TV
Musk🆘Trump radio
Musk🆘Trump army
Musk🆘Trump Airports
Musk🆘Trump whitesupremacy world
Since I also believe this to be true, whole-heartedly... I'm stunned that more isn't in place to stop fascism in the highest roles in the US government. Are we all silly to hope there are any guard rails left? Is there really anything anyone can do to stop him now?
Yes. I think there’s no going back to America as we knew it before Trump-Musk. We either become an authoritarian oligarchy or we move left to the broader social contract that most advanced economies have with their people
This has now become the defining fight for the soul of our country
*Republicans placed us on the other side of the wall.
That orange buffoon is too stupid to come up with this shit himself. He has been guided by the Heritage Foundation, Miller, and Bannon and the GOP has done NOTHING to stop any of this.
Republicans have abandoned their oath to the Constitution.
Waiting for Trump to start draft,making many enemies across world. Military recruiters have stated low recruitment. Many soldiers not making it through basic training, prob miss their phones. Vietnam had a draft, Pres Johnson sent troops. Freedom comes at a cost. Depends whose President.
America forgot very quickly his revolutionary, anti-imperialist origin and became an empire like the one he fought against.
Not to mention all the tyrannies he supported abroad, like the one in my country.
😂😂 fk off, you're county was built on slavery and even now people of colour are treated as second class citizens and have virtually no rights, whilst fat rapist rich men get to run the country. Murica land of free-dumb!
It’s becoming very clear that America has to start an another revolution to stop a wannabe king from destroying their country. The time to fight is now!
”Throughout its history (…) the United States has had close ties with authoritarian governments. During the Cold War, the U.S. backed anti-communist governments that were authoritarian, and were often unable or unwilling to promote modernization.”
I guess president Musk will be meeting with Joint Chiefs of Staff today and China will be mentioned. Leon has close ties with China. How is this allowed. Why can’t Chiefs say NO! Why can’t anyone say No to Trump.
Maybe you!...but not me! I will hold the line. I will not be deterred by an orange clown with a punkinheaded sidekick. I served my country abroad. And now I will serve it at home! Hell or be damned!
Actually, Americans freely chose this administration, which proves we are 'a bastion of freedom', though those we freely chose may end that freedom. Wasn't that what happened in Palestine? They freely chose Hamas?
We're in the evil timeline for the United States. It's like DJT is Darth Vader, orange is the Galactic Empire, democrats are the poor Rebels fighting for freedom. Hopefully the ending is the same as the movies. Resist. God Bless all!
Abraham Lincoln may have never said America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves. But that is actually what is happening in real time. Trump MAGA Republican party is a political weaponized Coup d'état. 1/6 PART-2
you mean, "Donvict"? add the traitors in his cabinet and PeeWee German(Stephen Miller) and that is a start on who has placed us on the wrong side of everything not just a wall.
Stop gaslighting yourself, it was built on Genocide, racism, Slavery, and Exclusion, it’s trying to return to it’s Roots. You were always on the other side of that wall. Just trying really hard to sell Bull shit!
There should be no equivocating. His actions are treasonous. We must stand up and speak out! Trump is a malignancy on our nation. He is not fighting for us! We must fight to preserve our democracy before he fully destroys it!
Literally, he is shipping people off to a foreign country without due process of law- that means none of us is safe from a criminal Dictator that will take everything you have away from you when ever he feels like it and there is nothing anyone can do about it-It could be anyone of us next
Obviously that is an option if the circumstances demand it, it would be preferable to some options, say for instance torture... understanding that quality of life is a consideration vs what reasons dictate your necessary survival
If comparing freedom in small countries to large countries it makes it difficult. U.S. has such a mixture of race and religion. Canada is huge amount of land, 40 million people. U.S. has 340.1 million people.So depends on what freedom you’re speaking of.Now we’re having our country destroyed.
The nation that specializes in regime change and election interference of their allies, has never been a bastion of freedom. Capitalism, is not fucking freedom, it's simple greed.
Was the LP part of the 'Leader of the free world" PR campaign too? That is a trick question.
Enough with the Reagan apologists. Reagan is a major part of why we're here now. He Iran-Contra'ed his way into office. The HF had a version of P2025 for Reagan, who adopted over 60% of it in his first year. He allowed Fox News. Destroyed the middle class. He was evil.
America isn't a bastion of freedom. That's part of the myth of American exceptionalism. The US ranks 17th in overall freedom globally, and we're down from 14th just 2 years ago. TFG has eroded the freedoms we did have, but it is the GOP who has been destroying our freedoms for decades.
Reagan liked it so much he had it bound and given to his Cabinet. Reagan was the beginning of a lot of the downfall of this country and our rights at the habds of the GOP, and they still kiss his ass.
It's typical of former Republicans to think they were ever on the right side of anything for nearly a half-century. Using Reagan as the 'anti-trump' example is a joke. The HF had a version of P2025 for Reagan, who adopted over 60% of it in his first year.
Exactly. The former Republicans’ collective mea culpa really isn’t resonating with people who are aware of the Heritage Foundation’s 1980 conservative political blueprint called “Mandate for Leadership” that was embraced and implemented by Reagan.
We need to enforce the Constitution and get rid of the GOP/Christian alliance that violated the constitutional rights of all non-Christians and Separation of Church and State.
And end Citizens United.
We dropped 3 spots when Roe was overturned. Forced pregnancy and forced birth are Crimes Against Humanity according to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, Section 7. Anti-abortion laws are international human rights violations.
it all started with the money greedy GOP Supreme court; they gave a criminal the right to murder anyone without consequences, so if 47 can break the law, steal and rob l people legally of their rights, unless the supreme court goes away nothing will change, doomed for the next 4 years.🗽
I also think he shouldn't have the right to order our troops around. After all, he sees them as suckers & losers. The only corruption that's going on is him. He's the corrupted one. If Kamala Harris was doing what Trump is doing, she would've been arrested a long time ago. It's not fair
It sickens me that many of our American troops fought & many died to keep our country safe from people like Trump. This country was built by immigrants & now he wants control. He is a traitor & I wish we had the power to exile him & his family & all his cronie buddies to Russia
I voted for Kamala Harris cuz she was by far the best qualified candidate. It was a sad day for me when I heard Trump had won cuz I know what he is. I wish the American people had the power to just fire him.
I am the only person on my street that didn’t vote for Trump here in NC. I don’t even want to leave my house. Unfortunately I have to go to the store where my entire paycheck gets burned. I live in a nightmare.
The 🌎 must not be careful suspicious of the evil in America leadership. We are no longer the greatest country in the world but on evil plans for other countries we are up there with Russia and Iran. Someone has to say that the league 🇺🇸 is with . Shameful and disgusting
Farewell america, you were indeed a great nation. That is history now, a history that will soon be forgotten given the tendency of your leaders to erase the record of everything good that your people have accomplished. The rest of the world will move on.
I've been drawing the parallel to domestic violence since January. Seeing the travel warnings from other countries, our allies!, to come to the US, it's shocking & isolating. Isolation, a key tactic.
Spoken like liar rich white men.We have never been a bastion of freedom. We have prisons for profit, the most incarcerated, and absurd repressive laws to keep it that way. FATWO with your lies.
I hate to agree, but that sounds about right! Not proud to say that I VERY OCCASIONALLY shop at Walmart. I try as hard as I can to shop local so I can be part of the solution and not the problem!
The "tear down this wall!" guy played a major role in bringing the American working populace to where they are today. The same outfit that penned Project 2025 had a "Mandate for Leadership" book for him too.
Hey LP, we really need to get the focus off of Trump. He's but the face of the problem.
There is a MAGA iron curtain, the only information other than sports that get thru is the stock market. I live behind it, the only way the MAGA crowd turns on this administration is if the market tanks. Stop spending, stop consuming. Stop investing. Transfer 401k to foreign investment funds.
If you're the kind of person the money burns a hole in your pocket preempt yourself and donate to the ACLU or similar entity. We are at war, we are losing. We can win if we fight back with our wallets.
Always? Except for indentured servitude, institutionalized slavery, the dehumanization of too many others, and genocide of the indigenous. But yeah, things have certainly pushed us backwards.
The 525 million citizens in the EU, UK, Switzerland and Norway (combined GDP 25 trillion) should be able to hold the line against the 140 million Russians (GDP 2,1 trillion), don't you think?
Trump hasn't placed you on the other side of the wall, he's laying the final bricks.
Expecting those idiots to acknowledge the truth when we don't is not helpful.
I think he's one of the better US presidents, but it's a low bar!!
CONVICT, again!
INNOCENT men seeking asylum sent to CECOT.
trump hands illegal life sentence
to keep them housed in the NEW AUSHWITZ!!!
They do NOT kill them there.
They are kept until they die,
courtesy of trump's perverted use of USA $$$.
everyone who voted republican is complicit...
without the support of republican politicians none of this would have happened...he could have been stopped...
I do not think so you ungrateful, selfish, followers of evil and hatred!
WE will fight ourselves out of your poor decision making - of that I am certain!
Impeach and remove Trump now.
The orange turd is NOT my president. He NEVER was my president, and he will NEVER EVER be my president. #FuckTrump
Many times American foreign policy aligned with and protected tyrants to that end.
- Jack Winthrop, The Last of the Mohicans (1992)
I ache for this country that is morphing into an autocracy in front of our eyes.
I ache for the people who did not choose this, but also for those who did, blindly following not only a malignant leader but their own malignancy.
everyone's letting this maniac run roughshod over the country. He can be stopped - no one wants to or is scared too.
The US has never been a bastion of freedom, unles sit suited their wallets. It has started too many wars on falmse grounds to make this claim.
You are always on war against something or someone, you supported dictators...
Your democracy has always been weak too
Your imperialism has always been a threat to the whole world
In it, it says,
Government becomes destructive of these ends (i.e., "Life Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness"), it is the Right of the People to alter or to
abolish it, and to institute new Government,
organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and
Sounds like a plan!
Read the listed facts of proof at the bottom. Sound familiar?? Read it before they DEI purge it!!
Rest of the World:
In "The Plot to Betray America," Nance argues that President Trump&team have committed treason by betraying the oath of office for personal gain. Analysis from intelligence experts, and evidence of Trump's financial ties to Russia.
ETA Election Truth Alliance please
The cheeturd is gettin rank.
Obviously some people never grew up knowing that that stuff meant to be left across the back 40 and plowed into the ground so that the only good it can do is fertilize a future once it’s forgotten.
even if collaboration were the only way to survive
you have no right as an American to follow that path.
Better that America die than live in mortal sin.
Accepting collaboration with Trump is a mortal sin.
Musk🆘Trump Judges
Musk🆘Trump Olympic game
Musk 🆘Trump army
Musk🆘Trump police
Musk🆘Trump bank
Musk🆘Trump Hollywood
Musk🆘Trump TV
Musk🆘Trump radio
Musk🆘Trump army
Musk🆘Trump Airports
Musk🆘Trump whitesupremacy world
Save your own money before it is too late ⏳💵💸💰⚖️
Trump erasing the advances of democracy and history.
I encourage you to read this article from The New York Times. Here's a gift link you can read it for free
Canada needs to take notes.
This has now become the defining fight for the soul of our country
The Kremlin’s favorite stooge is rerunning the country; this time, he knows exactly how to stay in power"
- Volodymyr Vlad Kunko
The Rapist's public crimes are highlighting what America has all too frequently done in the shadows.
That orange buffoon is too stupid to come up with this shit himself. He has been guided by the Heritage Foundation, Miller, and Bannon and the GOP has done NOTHING to stop any of this.
Republicans have abandoned their oath to the Constitution.
America has always been a myth. Your colours fucking run.
Not to mention all the tyrannies he supported abroad, like the one in my country.
FICUS wishes he could join Canada. It will never happen.
Canada. Proud, Strong. Free. Forever. 🇨🇦✊🏼
The real danger is that Trump is a racist sociopath who sees tyranny/dictatorship as a means to further his goals.
There are no limits for him.
I guess he could have been worse, at least he didn’t sell Boraxo on the White House lawn.
Exclusive: FBI scales back staffing and tracking of domestic terrorism probes -
Huh? Mythmaking.
The nation that specializes in regime change and election interference of their allies, has never been a bastion of freedom. Capitalism, is not fucking freedom, it's simple greed.
Was the LP part of the 'Leader of the free world" PR campaign too? That is a trick question.
The HF needs to be eliminated, permanently.
And end Citizens United.
Time to grow up.
Hey LP, we really need to get the focus off of Trump. He's but the face of the problem.
On the other side of the humanitarian wall!
Way down into the abyss
Sinking into the slime of a authoritarian dictatorship!
Teachers. YOU hold the purse strings.
Demand your unions —and ALL unions—divest from $TSLA today!!!
PLEASE repost.