"You truly are so far removed from mortals that you know not what 'riding' can imply?" He shot back, voice dripping with incredulation. "Copulation. Swiving."
Azdaja slowly approached the warrior, eyes glancing down occasionally as she was still getting used to walking on two feet. A bottle in the simulacrum’s hands.
“I hear it it customary to give gifts as thanks. I wished to present this in thanks for helping little Vrtra.”
Azdaja took a deep breath as she waited at the airship landing of Radz-at-Han, waiting for her sister to arrive. Standing with the poise and confidence of a being much larger than her current form.
Crimson eyes scanned the passengers of each disembarking group.
Azdaja smirked as she saw the former Azure Dragoon sitting at his usual table, looming over him as best she can from behind.
“Now how’s my favourite person who rides my brother!” She didn’t mean it in /that/ sense
“Azdaja! I beg, the rumors will hardly be quelled should you yell such things!”
“That is what you are though… a dragoon dragon rider who rides Vrtra. I know not of what rumours you speak of.”
Azdaja slowly approached the warrior, eyes glancing down occasionally as she was still getting used to walking on two feet. A bottle in the simulacrum’s hands.
“I hear it it customary to give gifts as thanks. I wished to present this in thanks for helping little Vrtra.”
Azdaja took a deep breath as she waited at the airship landing of Radz-at-Han, waiting for her sister to arrive. Standing with the poise and confidence of a being much larger than her current form.
Crimson eyes scanned the passengers of each disembarking group.