When the end result is the same, what is the difference?
I may go on that march in Charlottesville for righteous reasons. While I'm there, I see a lot of people with torches and swastikas marching alongside me.
Should it not dawn on me at that point that, perhaps, I should reconsider my position?
I may go on that march in Charlottesville for righteous reasons. While I'm there, I see a lot of people with torches and swastikas marching alongside me.
Should it not dawn on me at that point that, perhaps, I should reconsider my position?
Chomsky is a fool whose hatred of "the west" leads him to the position where he supports an expansionist, militaristic fascist dictator.
He's lost any sense of judgement.
Chomsky is not, himself, a fascist. But because "The West" now opposes a fascist regime, his hatred of "the west" drives him to support said fascist regime.
He is blinded, and thus a Useful Idiot.