I’m not sure they’re confused. Some are scared to accept the truth, some are scared to say the truth, and others are intentionally obfuscating the truth.
He knew exactly what he was doing. He's not autistic, he knew. Everyone saying it's a Roman gesture is trying to wash out the Nazism that they know is toxic with much of the world's population.
Autism does not preclude someone being a racist (or other type of) piece of shit, however being a racist piece of shit, is in no way an aspect of autism.
Even IF he's autistic, misreading social cues does not lead to going round giving Nazi salutes.
Even if he's autistic... that's not what autism is. Maybe an autist will drop a ball that's thrown at them, or maybe they'll rock back and forth. "Throwing repeated emphatic Nazi salutes" isn't a symptom.
How full was the arena? Were there even people seated where his salute was pointed? If he was really "throwing his heart", wouldn't his hand have been palm-up and followed a natural arc?
He'd have to be admitting to pretty severe motor control deficiencies if we're to believe that's a throw
Surely giving your heart to the crowd you would have palm up and open fingers to indicate giving. The most charitable interpretation of arm out and palm down would have to conclude he was dropping his heart on the floor (mic drop). I tend to find people gesture at the same time as the words also.
if you do a textbook seig heil and then say something afterwards then those are not connected actions with the gesture reinforcing the speech you have not yet spoken.
Propaganda dept of the establishment
Which is why he was sold to Bayer Leverkusen.
Autism does not preclude someone being a racist (or other type of) piece of shit, however being a racist piece of shit, is in no way an aspect of autism.
Even IF he's autistic, misreading social cues does not lead to going round giving Nazi salutes.
He'd have to be admitting to pretty severe motor control deficiencies if we're to believe that's a throw