I will say as an American, liberals are more go with the flow. The definition of liberal is willing to respect or accept other behaviors. Liberalism doesn’t help curb fascism, like we’ve seen, it just appeases it for status quo
Unfortunately, like the US, the right wing is growing in popularity even though the guy who leads them has never worked a real job in his life (other than Dairy Queen) and has always been a member of parliament. He's an idiot. Fortunately, because of our Educ system, I hope we are smarter.
it's terrible, but "liberals" in the US sold their souls to wall street in the '90s, a'la bill clinton
these people destroyed the middle class, with nafta...and pretended they would just teach 50 yr old union workers, farmers, and the working poor to "code"
Yep. It's never about regulations or taxes or free speech or anything. It's about what to regulate, who to tax, what to spend tax dollars on and who gets free speech.
From basic foodstuffs to banking to energy to health care to environmental impacts they now command us.
these people destroyed the middle class, with nafta...and pretended they would just teach 50 yr old union workers, farmers, and the working poor to "code"
we were speaking of democrats, who, before clinton, were supposed to be the party of the worker