If Donald Trump and his MAGA moron supporters actually try to invade Canada, there would be a guerrilla war that would make Vietnam look like a picnic.
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People seem to forget that Canada is actually top 10 globally in gun ownership per capita as well. We are not unarmed. Makes the low gun related violence statistics even more amazing considering.
Really!? Since nobody seems to know that I’d have to give a shout out to human decency and “peace, order and good government” (Section 91 of the Constitution Act*, 1867)
* AKA The British North America - name change in 1982
Tomato-tomahto; and yes we do. There's a sane middle ground between the US's uncontrolled free-for-all and the kneejerk prohibition of nearly all firearms that the Liberals have brought us to.
If you think those are the same parties, you're out of your depth. I'd bet the majority of Canadians disagree with your perception of gun control in Canada.
I'd recommend spray painting I Timothy 6:4-5, Ezekiel 16:49-50, Exodus 22:21 and Matthew 25:35-36 all over the place just so we can film them forcing people to clean it, proving how truly "Christian" these warmongers are.
They wont get support from the blue states (including most of New England and West Coast) and we know the rich GOP kids will just "bone spur" their way out of it, like their hero.
The most powerful army in the world is those warriors who are defending their own land. Ukraine was thought to be defeated in days yet they hold on. The lesson forgotten in Nam.
Protecting one’s land is the fiercest of opponents
I've had normally mild mannered friends who get quite angry at the idea of USA annexing Canada. Lot of hunters here, but we aren't gun crazy, we don't have any interest in carrying them with us.
There is reason so many people think Canadians are happy go lucky apologetic people.
That is protocol.
Just have to go through history to see how Canadians deal with oppressions, fascism and global conflicts.
With his plan to invade Greenland, Panama and Gaza, the U.S. military would be too thin to invade Canada, much less occupy it. Not to mention at least half of Americans hate the orange freak as much as we do. Invading is the easy part. Occupying it is the hard part.
* AKA The British North America - name change in 1982
This makes any occupying force susceptible to guerilla warfare.
Logistics of supplying an armed force, not to mention the crews to ship resources south, are vulnerable.
Blow up a highway or rail line, and.. /1
Then the repair crew is susceptible to ambush.
Locals know the terrain better, so they can pick and choose when, where, and how to strike.
The amount of money any US force would need to spend would be astronomical. /2
The US lost 'nam, pulled out of Afghanistan and the Taliban reclaimed it in days.
Ot would be a gigantic nightmare to occupy us. If they're that dumb, make them find that out the hard way
They just adopted the snow, we were born in it.
But if we get there, hope they print Maga on their helmet to facilitate triage. 🤪
They would have to live forever on the "pencil line drawn with a ruler"
The fact we need to envision this is unfathomable.
But here we are. And we're mad.
Bubba, Daryl, his other brother Daryl and grandpa fat-ass wouldn’t stand a chance! 🤣
Protecting one’s land is the fiercest of opponents
Everyone that posted somehow somewhere that the annexation is a good idea should have taken the guns away.
That is protocol.
Just have to go through history to see how Canadians deal with oppressions, fascism and global conflicts.
If JUNO, you know.