As someone who spent a non-zero amount of childhood eating dirt, I can assure you that I was either vitamin deprived or Earth could sometimes be tasty.
You bring up an interesting point about the truffles. I'm into foraging for wild mushrooms, but I hate the nasty smell and taste of truffles. They probably aren't actually mushrooms, but some kind of unwashed skin tag hanging from earth's armpit.
You're correct. They're fruiting bodies of mycorrhizal (cooperating with plant roots) fungi, but not generally considered mushrooms as they grow underground.
I wonder if you've tried white truffles? They're near universally delicious. Black ones, not so much.
There's no world in which a honeydew is tastier than a planet, so one must leave room for variety. Rio Star grapefruits for example are particularly sweet and tasty
Data is based on a flawed samples. You sampled the ENTIRE grape and likely most of the melon while you only sampled a very tiny fraction of the earth. Had you been able to sample the entire earth with it's warm creamy nougat inside, then the entire premise of this chart could disintegrate.
❤️👍 but neither is the earth or moon… but to first approximations everything is a sphere in physics… as the higher order irregularities wash out quickly with range…😂😂😂
Its going to be cheese, its always cheese, right now someone out there is looking at this post as a challenge, cheesemakers are strange, they seek the challenge in everything and right now one of them is thinking I could fulfil the prophecy of a huge tasty ball, no problem.
The tastiness function is a summation of all the components. The earth has small bits of tastiness which make up a small portion of its overall volume, giving it a marginally higher tastiness.
Certainly no accounting for taste (for many it’s the texture, not taste of avocados that’s so upsetting) but as a huge fan of avo, it’s the salt on or near it that helps raise it to magnificence. Also of course the acid from say lime juice, plus spicy, garlic, cilantro, onion. ALL the flavors+heat
This is a tongue-in-cheek conclusion that if the pattern holds, an 800-meter sphere would fall on the line that separates "tasty" from "not tasty," hence it would taste "okay."
Well... the earth is an oblate spheroid, so I think the research question should be revised to how does the spherical configuration of objects affect its flavor. Obviously this wasn't peer reviewed.
Just cause I'd be annoyed in this situation, here's the link:
You bring up an interesting point about the truffles. I'm into foraging for wild mushrooms, but I hate the nasty smell and taste of truffles. They probably aren't actually mushrooms, but some kind of unwashed skin tag hanging from earth's armpit.
I wonder if you've tried white truffles? They're near universally delicious. Black ones, not so much.
I don't make the rules, but I will say a lot of people, myself included, love the taste of protons so I see no flaw
How else could you account for little kids eating dirt?
Also the earth having a cool crunchy refreshing outer with a warm eggy interior sounds like an experience.
I think this diagram needs an alternate perspective.
Its going to be cheese, its always cheese, right now someone out there is looking at this post as a challenge, cheesemakers are strange, they seek the challenge in everything and right now one of them is thinking I could fulfil the prophecy of a huge tasty ball, no problem.
For that matter, has anyone licked a proton and can report back?
Depending on how you season it
A sorbet in space, 800 meters wide, like 8 football fields of sugary sweet ice end to end.
You can't argue with that. It's science.
but fun.
MUST... NOT... SAY.. IT...
And atoms musst be a great pleasure.
How delicious will be neutrons an electrons?
What about entering the area of negative size? I guess this will be heaven.
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