Talking about art style will always bring in those people claiming they don’t have a style
And I can assure you, at least 99% of you do, you just don’t recognize it. There is something about your art that is very you.
Your lineweight, your voice, skills, lack of skills
It’s there!
And I can assure you, at least 99% of you do, you just don’t recognize it. There is something about your art that is very you.
Your lineweight, your voice, skills, lack of skills
It’s there!
This particular artwork, however, I would say is in a Painterly style
Maybe Impressionism
regardless of whether your answer to that might be 'yes!!' or 'meh, not really...', then i suppose that's an element of one's own 'style'
It’s yours
"There are no bad photographs. Just photographs and better photographs."
Sorry for venting a little
And I bet that even among different styles some themes or your lineweight carries through
if you’re one of the people who say you don’t have a style and all your characters have something similar you can’t put your finger on it’s your style
So it kinda goes hand in hand maybe
Not ceramics though that shit is another kettle of fish
like, one artist i really like uses this scattered triangle brush to finish their pieces, and i consider that to be a part of their style ✨
The process
The way you do things
The way you don’t do things and avoid them
When, say, little Sarah is disappointed with her drawing and says something like, "I can't draw a cat," I like to tell them, "that's not true, that looks exactly like a cat Sarah would draw".
Sorry for misunderstanding
But also, and I mean this in an encouraging and nice way, your art still feels like the art from a less experienced artists, and with this of course there will still be many changes as you grow and learn and your art improves
Once you reached a certain level change and improvement still comes but not as drastically and more leveled out
If your style still changes a lot you still are improving your lineweight
The things you need to will find
I also still have a bunch of features in my program I don’t use or don’t know about
I wouldn’t claim to “not have a style” but I’d say “my style is still developing”. Which is true for anyone but it’s a hard truth at the start of the journey. My skills, preferences, and process evolve so rapidly, I don’t know where I’m at even.
Getting out of the beginning phase and being experienced takes year
TBH, there’s a pleasure to being new because I haven’t had to deal with the inevitable plateaus of learning experts face.
Also goes hand in hand with a lot of beginner artists who fear their art can be mistaken for ai because of some mistakes. While there is a clear human handwriting
I’ve tried to draw in an anime style with my kid. It looked like Hikaru No Go faces with post impressionistic clothes and backgrounds.
Not a good mix
In my case I kinda mix it up a bit. A tight painting followed by a loose painting followed by a too tight….
I see a lot of anime style art that looks like it came out of the same studio. Some is just fantastic, no question.
Don’t get me wrong, my paintings are rather derivative too just in a different way.
It’s nice to see things from another perspective, even if I don’t always agree.