I need these weak ass bullshitters put on the front lines. I really would love to see drumpf, musky, rabies, hogstooth, all on the front lines. Pasty, weak assholes.
According to Wikipedia, neither of Rubio's parents were U.S. citizens at the time of Rubio's birth, but they applied for U.S. citizenship and were naturalized in 1975. So, maybe the anchor baby should grow a spine and relocate to Russia 🇷🇺
For decades, Nations believed in the righteousness of US, world security in our hands. Trump has shown that's no longer the case. No nation dare invade or attack another Nation that is nuclear armed. Nuclear proliferation is the path Nations will now take.
What a man with no morals, no spine, and no future after this looks like. A man with morals would have resigned, a man with a spine would have resigned, a man with no future bends to a putz.
When the RepublicQans can't dazzle you with their dance, they will baffle you with their BS, and they're terrible at both dancing and BS'ing.
Your oppression is their profession
The world has now lost the country that was a leader in the free democratic world. The USA has now become a fascist state and dictatorship that licks Russia's ass with rapist Donald Trump as chief sucker.
🤣🤣 Thanks for the laugh. SecState Marco Rubio is finished. He needs to back out now before he is remembered for...this post, plus for calling Putin a dictator and then walking that back today in the Oval Office as his president and vice president dressed down Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.
And that after we all saw him literally appearing spineless, melting into that couch, being smaller than little, looking like he'd prefer to be anywhere else.
Despite, or maybe because of his efforts to disappear into the sofa during the Oval Office debacle, Rubio comes out strongly for team Vance/Trump. A little surprised Musk wasn't there too.
What happened today to Zelensky is an embarrassment. I hope Canada, France, Great Britain courageously call it out for I rather doubt our legislators will.
Since I do not use foul language the best I can do to descibe Rubio is = "IT" is a spineless & disgusting example of a living thing.
I will not use the word Human in the description as he does not qualify for it.
Trump’s nickname for him is appropriate. What a disgrace Rubio has turned out to be in such a short time. So desperate to keep his job he doesn’t have the courage to stand up for what he knows is right.
Little Marco Rubio , you have no balls or spine. Trump , Vance and you little guy are a disgrace to this country . Standing up for his daddy Putin , I'm sure you meant to write . What a disgrace, you are all Putin's bitches.
Rubio looked like Edith Ann sitting on that couch in the Oval, getting smaller by the second, as if he was going to melt into the cushions. Pathetic groveling sycophant.
I saw this mother fu$k ers face and what this clown says and what we saw HE IS FUCKING Lying.HOW TRULY PATHETIC, but when you want power so bad that you can taste it,you will say or do anything to get it. Looking at you, marco rubio.
Someone remind him that the rude orange guy in the Oval only got a *plurality* of the popular vote. He has never been popular.
"America" is NOT with him.
EVERY Dem Senator that voted to confirm that useless piece of Cuban Trash better call him, rip his face off and shove it up his little girly GOPer ass!
Looks like trump was right about one thing. Marco Rubio is a little man. It’s time for America to get on the streets. These guys are spineless. Marco knows better but just doesn’t have the guts! Nobody’s going to save us.
You damn suck up coward, they attacked Zelensky, tried to humiliate him, wouldn’t let him talk, raised their voices over him in lies. You and they especially should beg his forgiveness. This is pay back from Trumps perfect phone call
What a fool! It’s always easy to bully someone when you know you have the upper hand! That doesn’t take courage! Trump would never treat Putin that way, because he’s terrified of him! Trump is very very weak and now he’s made America very weak!
Ii can't even put a like here to acknowledge great post - can't stand that so much -- and from the guy in the room who looked the most ashamed and appalled at himself for selling out
0-3. Trump struck out. Staged shit show. you know donny never wrote message, minutes after kicking him out. Zekinsky,
owns his sought after minerals with plenty of buyers. Quid pro to provide restructuring of their electric grid. Now 🇺🇸 and 🇷🇺 can't charade as peacemakers. Global 🇺🇸 boycott on deck
Trump and Vance demonstrated to the global community that they are owned and operated by Putin and don't give a damn about either democracy or America. You continue to be the useless bag of shit you have always been.
Hey Marco! Remember the Senate Intelligence Committee that you chaired that unequivocally stated that the Russians meddled in the 2016 election? How proud were you when Trump called your findings a hoax? Lost your spine since then, eh?
"Little Marco's" words reek of bullshit being shoveled being shoveled by a serf trying to appease his owner. Marco sold his soul along with the others in the cult. With that, they also sold their allegiance to their oaths and to democracy. They're cowards and traitors.
@secrubio.bsky.social Was the most embarrassing staged assault by your "overlord" on a man/country fighting for the survival of their country. FFOTUS and his gang (w/you) are offended because he/they won't bow down to him. You sold your soul @secrubio.bsky.social and history will judge. You do you.
I don't care about reconciliation. The truth, and then the consequences. All these MAGA politicians need to face the consequences of their betrayal of humanity.
Jesus fucking Christ these people are completely devoid of humanity. Never in my life have I come across a group of people more deserving of medieval justice.
This is Cheeto's only play...He's trying to make up for his meeting with Macron where he was soundly "corrected" and taken behind the wood shed making him look weak... It's how he validates his "power"; by kicking an innocent while he's down. Horrifying day for ALL Americans on the world stage.
I can guarantee you that Rubio’s parents are turning in their graves. It was Russia that empowered Castro to decimate Cuba. He’s a turncoat at best and possibly acting to help communist Cuba’s interests. They are, after all, just 90 miles from the U.S.
According to poll numbers, no, we're not.
Professor Orwell?
Your oppression is their profession
We won't forget.
Geez what a complete moron!
That says everything about the GOP
Party over country and Trump is king!
I will not use the word Human in the description as he does not qualify for it.
Tump and courage in the same sentence that doesn’t include “lacks”
In Congress, Senate and in USA.
Time to get of YOUR HIGH HORSES, Representatives and Senators !
It’s RED Alert !
Y’ll need to be more confrontational against Republicans & Trumpists in Congress & Senate and against Putins puppet in the White House !
"America" is NOT with him.
He keeps looking tinier and tinier.
Don't you fucking dare assume to speak for me. Don't you dare say you speak for Americans.
Don't. You. Dare.
owns his sought after minerals with plenty of buyers. Quid pro to provide restructuring of their electric grid. Now 🇺🇸 and 🇷🇺 can't charade as peacemakers. Global 🇺🇸 boycott on deck
Marco is a coward and a 🤡
his throat must be killing him
And yes, save it for the record.
Is giving this airtime tonight.
A Photo of “Courage”
There I fixed your fuck up.