Yes, probably. I was only once on the other side, when foreigners learned my language and spoke to me in it. It was in my early youth. Now I hope people are not so strict with me when I make mistakes in English. Well, and for my Slavic accent.
I trying...
I trying...
I’m going to give you all the time you need and any help you wish for because that effort deserves respect. I appreciate multi lingual people as I’m not and struggle with it.
Keep being awesome ❤️
Genuinely tho, keep the accent or change it to the level you’re comfortable with.
At uni we had to practice our pronunciation to make it ‘more English’. I told the the TA I didn’t bother because I preferred my Belgian accent over a fake British one. He let me
BUT when I spoke Swedish, I did have to repeat myself. I think because they are not used to hearing their language in another accent
And you don’t sound like a vampire! You sound wonderfully exotic and intriguing!
It's okay. Nothing is impossible! The main thing is to work on it...