I decided to write about 20mph for my Guardian column.
It shows that evidence based policy making does work, but if you get the messaging wrong, you leave the field open for another culture war battle.
It shows that evidence based policy making does work, but if you get the messaging wrong, you leave the field open for another culture war battle.
Reposted from
The Guardian
Wales’s 20mph speed limit saves lives and money. So why has it become a culture-war battlefield? | Will Hayward
I note that you state, "20mph is three decibels lower than 30mph".
I am no scientist/mathematician but am aware that decibels are on a logarithmic scale.This means that 4 practical purposes that a 3 decibel decrease effectively is a halving of the sound energy.
Potentially quite an impact!
You use your messaging to give your audience reasons that people can use in favour of what you’re doing, - so they can then fight your battles for you.
Why feel the need to justify your position? It’s wasted on them.
The specific blend of cowardice & incompetence that led them to partially disown the policy just as the positive numbers came in & it was gaining acceptance however…
We just plan now to leave earlier simple really
They don't want to be personally inconvenienced
Yes, the Welsh Government could have done more to explain it.
However, until the change in leadership I thought they really owned it; particularly Lee Waters.
Is it me, or does the current dispute over farming and inheritance tax have a similar feel? Never mind the evidence…
Have the courage of your convictions? Don’t assume local authorities will act as you ask? Speak up against disinformation? Or just bad timing given UK politics? Seems the lesson Lab is hearing is don’t be a tall poppy
I drive throughout Wales weekly, there is very minimal delay in my journeys.
It doesn't matter if it saves lives (masks during covid is another example).
If they think for a second it might inconvenience them even a tiny amount they completely lose their minds.
Them "My 2 hour drive to Bristol is 15 minutes longer"
Me "I do that journey. i drive through 20mph zones for 2 minutes. You are talking bollocks"
The fact day 3 of reaction stole the splash from a new big power plant getting the green light up north spoke volumes to me.