my last 13 years of gamedev have been working on games part-time after work, alongside a full-time job
it's exhausting, and hard to manage - it's why i couldn't put out things bigger than jam games until COVID relief gave me the chance to finish Bossgame
55+ hour weeks are hell. i burned out a lot
it's exhausting, and hard to manage - it's why i couldn't put out things bigger than jam games until COVID relief gave me the chance to finish Bossgame
55+ hour weeks are hell. i burned out a lot
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Great post from Laura Michet here about the realities of many indies' financials. I've been lucky to spend a lot of my career fulltime, but even I had periods of working four freelancing jobs at once. It really is like this. Esp for solo devs
nowadays i'm lucky enough career-wise that i can save money from jobs and hopefully take time off to make games here & there before returning
i'll say "it's a lot of work and compromise, and the only guaranteed payoff is your creative satisfaction, so make sure you're at least getting that"