I’m selling a bunch of my books and when I saw the list of possible banned books, I noticed one that I had in my shop. I immediately when to remove it and put it back on my shelf. I haven’t even read it yet so now I’m curious why!
I ordered over 30 books from ThriftBooks over the holidays, all of which are banned and I’m planning to read through them this year.
ThriftBooks is a great way to skip Amazon and support independent bookstores.
Yes!! I tell all my students to check it out for textbooks 🥰 the university always price gouges you, don’t fall for it, there are always other options!
I have a 13 year old student that is buying the Florida banned book list and going through them like crazy. This past week she was on Fahrenheit 451! I told her I was proud of her and kept letting her read in between lectures.
Banning books is one of the ultimate forms of censorship.
The books that are on banned lists are banned for a reason.
Not because they are overly obscene, but because they grapple with uncomfortable topics. Valuable topics the government doesn’t want us talking about.
Love this quote about the act of reading from Percival Everett’s novel James: “It was a completely private affair and completely free and, therefore, completely subversive.”
I am not only reading them I am collecting them. Before Fahrenheit 451 becomes reality. No book is nationally banned however very many have been taken out of schools and libraries for ignorant reasons. Many banned books are classics
ThriftBooks is a great way to skip Amazon and support independent bookstores.
The books that are on banned lists are banned for a reason.
Not because they are overly obscene, but because they grapple with uncomfortable topics. Valuable topics the government doesn’t want us talking about.
Objectively, though, just two sides of a mirror.