IDK if this is a thing done on twit/bsky form roleplay but I'm putting up a character relations call since I don't really know folks here all that well. Essentially this is an OOC post to discuss some basics of relationships between Ysayle and yours just to get an approximation of what they know
As for Amaurot; I hc him with association to the Bureau of the Administrator. Does he do anything else around Amaurot? Probably but he's peeked around other bureau or in Akadaemia Anyder.
I've also had thoughts about his sundered self tho :D I'd need to flesh out those thoughts more but if you're ever open for post sundering stuff, I'll ramble those thoughts ^^
As for them meeting, perhaps by chance as Elidibus or maybe even his being alive now in the AU and adventuring.
Are there any differences to how the rest
Hmm.... I think Panne wouldn't have known what to think of Ysayle with everything she did with the heretics, but once learning of her true intentions, would have warmed up to her over time!
sorry for the yapping lajcvitw]
Ysayle wouldn't
I kind of have two options thus far:
A) ancient era (might be accessible through Elpis? I know the Scions don't usually go but idk your hc)
B) post-EW modern where he's back for Reasons & ends up joining the Scions.
Or if you want something else, lmk.
I think that together with mundane things (well, relatively...preparing for an impending disaster isn't really mundane), Alex would definitely be interested to show her the actual ship, hangar and things like that, down in Labyrinthos :D
Though I wonder if she'll be interested 🤔
I shall continue in a bit then, been busy IRL + stress wasn't helping
This is all meant to be fairly basic. Things to know about this Ysayle
-She survived HW and was in recovery for a good portion of StB. During that time she helped the dragons of Anyx Trine and helped convert it to a settlement for humans and dragons and has spearheaded its reconstruction.
-Helps with peace discussions with Ishgard though is more of a
-Joins the Scions starting with Shb and is transported to the First. Given she has the Echo it's her proper body that gets taken as well. She accompanies the Scions for the rest of the story.