Whenever you look at your own unfinished art from long ago, you either love them or hate them, there's rarely a middle ground
btw I love this, I always like the way you make the shapes of the theropod legs
The extremely robust neck and shoulder girdle in carnotaurus always seemed weird with how little its head and arms are. So I wanted to really amp up the muscles there as one theory of whats going on.
He look a bit like he would say teef instead of teeth... π i like the twirly horns, maybe thers another subspecies of carno like that we havent discovered yet?
Given the way boney horn cores dont often reflect the full shape and texture of the keratin sheets on top, these horns are completely possible for carnotaurus.
I can relate to that feeling. There's quite a few and pieces that I've revisited recently and found that they weren't as bad as I initially thought they were π
The alt text took me out lmao
Really lovely sketch though, really like the amount of muscle on the neck, I feel like people draw carnotaurus very skinny a lot of the time!
This is lovely!!! I really like the twist to the horns and it looks stronk! The mouth is also very scary, the lipped approach makes the jaws looks so much more cavernous and hungry!
stuff like this makes me wish I remembered to pay any attention to line depth when I'm sketching
I do in certain areas, but it's habit stuff, not thoughtful.
Horns are a really biologically expensive feature and often provide little benefit in terms of hunting. So they are pretty uncommon in predatory animals.
Various other abelisaurs, ceratosaurus, various chameleons, the horned croc Voay, horned lizards, etc. Then there are plenty of dinosaurs and lizards with keratin covered crests which are horn adjacent like southern ground hornbills. Also plenty of fish with horn-like structures.
btw I love this, I always like the way you make the shapes of the theropod legs
Really lovely sketch though, really like the amount of muscle on the neck, I feel like people draw carnotaurus very skinny a lot of the time!
I do in certain areas, but it's habit stuff, not thoughtful.
i love that ever since we realised the lil horns were just cores everyone is being imaginative
(I luv)