So I deleted my post about my series WIP…too many people I don’t know saw it and decided to be aholes.
I won’t be posting anything about a WIP again.
I’m not getting paid to take bs from strangers who are stupid.
I won’t be posting anything about a WIP again.
I’m not getting paid to take bs from strangers who are stupid.
I've never once (that I can remember) had a negative interaction over a WIP post. Or a finished script post.
Isn't it better to block those people and continue to interact with the people who care, support, and engage politely?
I was just upset about some of the comments.
Block, then remember those of us out here have your back!
You’re the best.
I am beloved by all.
Occasionally I'll get a bug up my butt and limit replies and quotes on my posts.
I'll start doing that when I post anything about my work. Seems like the trolls here are increasing.
Someone isn’t going to like it.