Housing is important, I was just saying the aesthetics of housing wasn't as important as having enough of it. It's better for more people to be able to live in a place than that the place looks super nice.
Both are actually really important. The psychological impact community “aesthetics” have on people may just be as important as # of housing. This building looks absolutely horrible, let’s be honest. Build more housing and build them beautifully, not like some frankenstein architectural nightmare.
You don’t have to have either or. Both can be true at the same time. Just because someone needs housing, doesn’t mean they deserve scrapped together abominations. People deserve nice homes; which helps build better communities. The impact of “beautiful” communities has INSANE positive impacts.
The thing is, we have priorities. You can't say we can only put people in homes that are beautiful. That would be stupid. It is way more important to make sure people have shelter.
That’s not what I said. Obviously shelter is the most important. But when discussing BUILDING new homes, this position should not be so easily disregarded.