El Generico shows a month up after Sami loses the unsanctioned Match to get revenge for his friend. Gonna milk him and Kevins years together , it must happen.
Generico isn't actually dead. He faked his death so that he could care for the orphans in peace. Kevin tweeted about it some years back. He got a phone call.
Generico is fine.
But he should be allowed to continue pursuing his passion with Los Angelitos de El Generico
Listen, as somebody who really only knows El Generico through reputation, I would LOVE to see him get a (well booked) WWE Run, but it would be selfish to rip him away from the orphanage he runs in Mexico. Plus we have his star student in Sami, we should be grateful for that at least.
Generico is fine.
But he should be allowed to continue pursuing his passion with Los Angelitos de El Generico
Next you're going to think Mexican luchadore Juan Cena and John Cena are the same guy.