Eventually it’ll be up on Prime to watch on demand but if you want to watch it live you have to pay. WWE is in bed with one of the richest companies in the world so they can giveaway their PLEs. AEW is a ppv company. They need that revenue. I do think they should discount it though.
I have Netflix and watched the elimination chamber for free with my membership, why prime members have to pay for aew PPV besides Thier prime membership? That's a rip-off from Tony again.
I miss the network. I liked being able to go to a PPV and have the chapters at the bottom I could click on to go to a certain match. Now I just have to fast fwd. oh well. Haha.
I just looked and it's just carrying them and you still need to pay. Would love if it was the opposite given they include the football in the price for Prime.
Aaah, that's a drag. I hoped it would be like the Peacock WWE deal where all the big shows would be included with your sub. Oh well, sticking to Triller then