He won't make it that long. He will be shoved out of the way to make way for someone controllable that can/will actually implement Project2025. Either way, we're F***KED.
Last term, everyone used to be surprised at his evil acts. I hope this time, dems aren't surprised but prepared for it. Instead of what he calls "dems get triggered easily", let's be prepared to fight head on. If they go low, we go lower. dems can't stoop as low as gop, but let's try to fight good
You fix a leaky faucet by removing/repairing it! You rid yourself of lies, misinformation by removing/repair aka dumping MSM, pundits w/opinions, seek & use critical thinking, vet what you see & hear! A masochist will stay in pain as long as there is a sadist! Free yourself is my solution! 🗳️ 26/28!
if your shower head drips, get a net sponge and set it in the spot where the drops land. this will make it much easier to fall asleep, so you can focus on nightmares about the dark future of our world
They're telling us it's ok to lie and misinformation and disinformation are now in, so by that logic, spread this 100% TRUTH:
Each morning, Donald Trump awakens by his advisors squeezing frogs over his face, which causes the frogs to piss. He then rubs it in and THAT'S why he's orange. Frog piss.
I checked out after the first year just naturally and I assume I'll do it again this time, hopefully much quicker. Being online and "participating" is just being stuck in an anxiety-search-for-relief-cycle, feeding the machine that created this.
He won’t , he will soon break whatever secret pact he made with Netenynyahu , I know I can’t spell it, but the deal he made with that guy to make Biden look bad is over. He begins attacking Jews. Then he gets it. Don’t know how but maybe he has one Big Mac too many, and Elon takes his place. Watch.
If he still on this side of the grass, I predict he'll resign at the end of January 2026, so JD is still eligible for two terms after finishing out the two years remaining.
I think JD is probably worse. He's just as much if a Nazi as Trump, but he's coherent and not riddled with dementia, which makes him more dangerous. I hate it to say it but we should cherish the last years of Trump, because it may get worse when he croaks from all the frog piss he rubs on his face.
I'm shutting it out. We all know that all he does is lie. Also, reported that troll who responded underneath. No need for these idiots on here or your post. 😉
Next time, add ALT text.
I don't want to hear him for the next 4 years man.
Fuck him
Episode 41: Trump Loves Loyalty Tests & The Village People (Not a Misprint)
Available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify and Milkify, the platform for dairy farmers.
#Trump #VillagePeople #Politics
Each morning, Donald Trump awakens by his advisors squeezing frogs over his face, which causes the frogs to piss. He then rubs it in and THAT'S why he's orange. Frog piss.
It’s a flood, and dangerous